
Networking Samples

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi, I'm interested in the network scripting aspect of wxJS. So far the io samples are partially working for me, but I'm running into heap problems it looks like.

    I added c:\wxjs\bin to my PATH environment variable.

    http.js tests:
    I run:
    wxjs --module=../modules/wxJS_io:../modules/wxJS_gui http.js
    and I get a wxMessageBox with 3(0) in it (That's expected because there isn't a web server on localhost)
    I then change the host to connect to from localhost to
    It then gets an expection at res = _heap_alloc(size); on line 163 in malloc.c
    It looks like size has the value 4 billion for some reason.

    socksvr.js tests:
    I run:
    wxjs --module=../modules/wxJS_io socksvr.js
    and it waits for me to connect. I connect with PuTTY in raw mode and see no output. At the same time socksvr.js gets an exception in line 110 of free.c. It appears the exception is thrown after the program terminates, but not seeing the output in PuTTY is strange.

    sockclnt.js tests:
    I run:
    wxjs --module=../modules/wxJS_io sockclnt.js
    and I get the following error:
    Error: wxJS: C:\wxjs\samples\do\sockclnt.js(12) : ReferenceError: wxJSMemoryBuffer is not defined.

    I'll try to setup a debug environment in both Windows and Linux and contribute back to the project.

    Thanks Franky!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      wxJSMemoryBuffer is renamed to wxMemoryBuffer. I'll have to update the samples.

      Your contribution will be appreciated!



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