
Wizd Config will not add directories

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hello All,
                     I'm very new to his so I appoligize right off the bat. But I have WIZD working with the default three direcories. I'm running Vista Home and Two buffalos. It will not allow me to add new directories no matter what I have tried. It list them but hey do not show up on either Buffalos. What can be done? I would like to add like Movies Television Doccumentaries etc.? TIA

    • hypert3000

      hypert3000 - 2007-12-28

      I'm running on a Mac, so it may be different, but I couldn't use the aliases in the conf file, but hadn't to move content (or create symlinks) inside the docroot folder.  Try creating folders in there, and see if they show up from your Buffalo.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I'm having the same problem, and I also can't change the skins.  Basically the Link Theatre is running the wizd server fine, but it isn;t picking up any changes I make to the settings.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2009-12-27

    Hi I'm having a similar problem where by any changes I make to the settings are not picked up by either of my SC200's, this includes adding and removing directories.  As a work around I have manually edited the wizd.conf file using notepad to add and remove directories.  This seems to work so far…


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