
Diderot - A Python based WikiWriter / News: Recent posts

The first alpha of Diderot has been released right now.

The first 0.1 alpha release for the Diderot wikiwriter has been issued. This version comes in english, but categorys are in german, I apologize. Language files will be supplied in the near future. People volunteering for translation of the user interface are welcome, please mail to

Please note that this is an alpha release and comes without any warranty. There *are* bugs. But I'm rather sure it won't crash your system :-).... read more

Posted by Christoph Mussenbrock 2004-09-21

Initial Import has been done

The initial import of the source file has been done. Source files can be accessed via cvs in the module 'Diderot', which has been chosen as a working title for the project

Posted by Christoph Mussenbrock 2004-09-08