
wheatblog / News: Recent posts

Wheatblog (wB) listed at

Wheatblog has a new listing at WeblogMatrix (, so you can compare it to other blogware. You can find similar comparisons at and, which also includes a live demo.

Posted by James E. Martin 2007-01-18

Another .htaccess security tip for Wheatblog users

Wheatblog runs perfectly well with the PHP setting "register_globals" turned off. You can adjust this setting via php.ini. If you run Apache, you can also override it in you .htaccess file(s) by adding this line:

php_flag register_globals off

The default setting for "register_globals" has been "off" since PHP 4.2 (

Posted by James E. Martin 2006-08-19

Securing Wheatblog 1.x

Those of you running Wheatblog (wB) 1.0 or 1.1 on Apache servers should consider using .htaccess files to add additional security to your wB install until we can release a new version of the application which addresses recent security concerns.

In the "admin", "includes", and "classes" directories, create a text file called ".htaccess" (or edit the existing one, if there is one) and add the following directive:... read more

Posted by James E. Martin 2006-08-16

Security Issue: Wheatblog 1.1

Sites running Wheatblog with PHP's "register_globals" enabled may be vulnerable to a security exploit. The default setting for "register_globals" has been "off" since PHP version 4.2.0. As such, this bug should not be problematic for the majority of Wheatblog installations. Nevertheless, we are working on a fix. This bug may also affect previous versions of Wheatblog running under the same conditions.... read more

Posted by James E. Martin 2006-08-14

Wheatblog v1.1

Wheatblog v1.1 has been released. This update to the php-driven Wheatblog (wB) blogging software adds comment spam protection and improves RSS feeds. Wheatblog supports MySQL and SQLite.

Posted by James E. Martin 2006-07-30

Wheatblog hosting from now offers wheatblog hosting with 24/7 support:

Posted by James E. Martin 2006-07-21 chooses Wheatblog

Web host offers Wheatblog blogware on its hosted sites. Read about it here:

Posted by James E. Martin 2005-12-11

Wheatblog (wB) 1.0 Released

Wheatblog 1.0 has been released. wB is a PHP-driven blogging and Content Management System (CMS). It supports MySQL and SQLite database systems. wB 1.0 provides permalinks, commenting (with email notification), RSS 2.0 feed generation, categories, sessions-based PHP authentication, and a link/blogroll manager. wB ships seven, high quality, easily customizable design templates (all of which are implemented valid XHTML 1.0 and CSS).

Posted by James E. Martin 2005-10-10

Hard at work on wB 1.0

The Wheatblog App development team plans to release wB 1.0 on July 1, 2005. The improvements to the new version are substantial (check out the CVS if you'd like a preview). We are also working on migration tools to allow our current users to move to the new version.

Posted by James E. Martin 2005-06-15

Wheatblog App gains two new developers!

Wheatblog App is proud to announce that addition of two new developers to the development team. Peter Jay Salzman ( and Joshua Estell ( are making contributions toward the next release. Pete's goal is to make Wheatblog App work with a variety of database backends. The next release will support MySQL and SQLite. Josh is using his XHTML/CSS/JavaScript kung-fu to create beautiful, flexible design templates for Wheatblog App. With this added talent, version .06b will include major improvements to the code base, making Wheatblog App a serious contender among php-based blogging applications.

Posted by James E. Martin 2005-03-24

Wheatblog .05b released

Version .05b of Wheatblog open source blogging web application has been released. This version includes major improvements in both the public and admin interfaces.

Posted by James E. Martin 2005-03-11

wheatblog app .03b released

RSS feeds have been improved, email notification of comments has been added, and a new archive view has been added.

Posted by James E. Martin 2004-04-25

Wheatblog App .02b Released

Wheatblog App .02b has been released. The new version is a complete rewrite and supports blog comments, categories, permalinks, archive views, and RSS generation.

Posted by James E. Martin 2004-04-12

It's Alive: WheatblogApp lives...

We've resumed active development of WheatblogApp (formerly, "Wheatblog") after a long hiatus. The success of has been the inspiration. We've added a few letters to the name, to distinguish the WheatblogApp (the blogging software) from wheatblog (my blog at\). But the URL/project name will remain the same.

Expect .03b in mid to late November, 2003. The complete rewrite is nearing completion. We have the posting, commenting, rss-ifying, interfaces finished and are currently working on enhancements to the post and comment editing interfaces.

Posted by James E. Martin 2003-10-30

Added a Survey

Five easy questions about how you use WheatBlog and what you like to see in a personal content management system (CMS). Takes about two minutes to complete. Help us out...

Posted by James E. Martin 2002-06-02

Email link fixed...

We're still in the middle of returning to an active state of development on this project. If you'd previously tried to email me (but got a bounce or no reply) the email link has now been fixed.

Posted by James E. Martin 2002-06-02

Release download link fixed...

We'd been redirecting to my homepage ( for a while to allow downloads of WheatBlog since the download system here at Sourceforge mystified me. But I read the docs and set it up straight now, so you can download WheatBlog from either place.

Posted by James E. Martin 2002-05-31

WheatBlog gets a new developer

Noel Schutt ( has joined the WheatBlog development team. He's been using WheatBlog on his site and has made improvements which will be availible in the next release.

Posted by James E. Martin 2002-05-28

Not quite off the ground...

Sourceforge's file release process is still a mystery to me. I'm going to try to get the beta release of wheatblog uploaded and linked here ASAP (maybe tonight). If you're dying to grab it now, you can snatch it from my homepage ( in the computing section. Sorry for the trouble.

Posted by James E. Martin 2001-08-01

Our first release!

The first beta release of wheatblog ( has left the building! Please download it, try it out, and let us know what you think.

Posted by James E. Martin 2001-07-09

WheatBlog gets some notice

We haven't released any files yet, but at least two sites around the net have noticed our project: (KillYourTV) and (Dangerousmeta). Thanks!

Posted by James E. Martin 2001-07-06

Back at it...

Today we started making changes that will result in the first release of WheatBlog. If I have enough coding time this weekend, I should be able to get the firs beta out early next week. Thanks for your patience.

Posted by James E. Martin 2001-07-06