
#287 SGE settings for runPBcR.sge

SGE (1) PBcR (3)

When running 8.2 beta precompiled: new message (not in 8.1)

cat runPBcR.sge.out.02
-bash: line 10: /var/lib/gridengine/ebb-default/common/ No such file or directory
Error: spec file /global/group/home/lmall_01/projects/Bt/assembly/247/v_9//tempBt247_Subreads/Bt247_Subreads.spec does not exist. Double-check your paths and try again.

due to this script:
if [ "x$SGE_ROOT" != "x" ]; then
# Attempt to (re)configure SGE. For reasons Bri doesn't know,
# jobs submitted to SGE, and running under SGE, fail to read his
# .tcshrc (or .bashrc, limited testing), and so they don't setup
# SGE (or ANY other paths, etc) properly. For the record,
# interactive SGE logins (qlogin, etc) DO set the environment.

   . $SGE_ROOT/$SGE_CELL/common/



is not present in all GE versions, making the jobs crash if missing. Mine, GridEngine 6.2u5-7.1 is missing it for example.

sourcing .tcshrc or .bashrc can be a multifactorial problem, commons reasons are invalid or incoherent uid across the system, permissions, /etc/profile or /etc/bash.bashrc empty or missing the sourcing or referencing each other, PATH declaration or SGE variables initialisation.
The problem can also come form the queue "shell start mode" behaviour. "posix_compliant" and "unix_behaviour" have given me headaches, "script_from_stdin" simulates something like the interactive mode and the env in sourced.

qconf -mconf
shell_start_mode script_from_stdin

qconf -mq all.q
shell_start_mode script_from_stdin

I add -V (export whole env) in the SGE stanza of the spec file and force a reload of bash (which then source the proper files as it thinks it is opened in interactive mode.)

sge = -V -S /bin/bash -l mem_free=4G -r y -wd $assembly_path
sgeScript = -V -pe smp 1 -l mem_free=4G -S /bin/bash -r y -wd $assembly_path
sgeOverlap = -V -pe smp 4 -l mem_free=2G -S /bin/bash -r y -wd $assembly_path
sgeFragmentCorrection = -V -pe smp 4 -l mem_free=5G -S /bin/bash -r y -wd $assembly_path
sgeOverlapCorrection = -V -pe smp 4 -l mem_free=3G -S /bin/bash -r y -wd $assembly_path
sgeConsensus = -V -pe smp 1 -S /bin/bash -r y -wd $assembly_path

Second error:
I don't know whether is comes from the missing, but the spec file is not copied in the temp subdirectory.


Bugs: #287


  • Sergey Koren

    Sergey Koren - 2014-12-02


    I am not sure why you are only seeing the error from CA 8.2 as CA 8.1 has been sourcing the $SGE_ROOT/$SGE_CELL/common/ script as well. As long as the login nodes will be able to run the SGE commands (qsub/qstat/etc), your run should work even without this script.

    As far as your second error, can your provide the full output of the pipeline (from the start before it submits to grid and all grid output) as well as your command line run? The spec file gets copied to the directory before grid submission.


    • Ludovic Mallet

      Ludovic Mallet - 2014-12-03

      Thanks for your answer!
      unfortunately, I erased the output files, and only archived the temp
      directory... which doesn't contain more info. I guess the
      problem is minor then, I used the preassembled reads from the smrt
      pipeline (HGAP quality mode) instead of directly calling pbcr. I would
      still be interested by comparing the results to a manual pbcr run.

      I give it another shot.

      On 02/12/14 21:27, Sergey Koren wrote:


      I am not sure why you are only seeing the error from CA
      8.2 as CA 8.1 has been sourcing the
      $SGE_ROOT/$SGE_CELL/common/ script as well. As long as the
      login nodes will be able to run the SGE commands (qsub/qstat/etc),
      your run should work even without this script.

      As far as your second error, can your provide the full output of the
      pipeline (from the start before it submits to grid and all grid
      output) as well as your command line run? The spec file gets copied to
      the directory before grid submission.


      *[bugs:#287] SGE
      settings for runPBcR.sge *

      Status: open
      Group: correction
      Labels: SGE PBcR
      Created: Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:06 PM UTC by Ludovic Mallet
      Last Updated: Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:06 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      When running 8.2 beta precompiled: new message (not in 8.1)

      cat runPBcR.sge.out.02
      -bash: line 10: /var/lib/gridengine/ebb-default/common/ No
      such file or directory
      Error: spec file
      does not exist. Double-check your paths and try again.

      due to this script:


      if [ "x$SGE_ROOT" != "x" ]; then

      Attempt to (re)configure SGE. For reasons Bri doesn't know,

      jobs submitted to SGE, and running under SGE, fail to read his

      .tcshrc (or .bashrc, limited testing), and so they don't setup

      SGE (or ANY other paths, etc) properly. For the record,

      interactive SGE logins (qlogin, etc) DO set the environment.

      .  $SGE_ROOT/$SGE_CELL/common/



      is not present in all GE versions, making the jobs crash if missing.
      Mine, GridEngine 6.2u5-7.1 is missing it for example.

      sourcing .tcshrc or .bashrc can be a multifactorial problem, commons
      reasons are invalid or incoherent uid across the system, permissions,
      /etc/profile or /etc/bash.bashrc empty or missing the sourcing or
      referencing each other, PATH declaration or SGE variables initialisation.
      The problem can also come form the queue "shell start mode" behaviour.
      "posix_compliant" and "unix_behaviour" have given me headaches,
      "script_from_stdin" simulates something like the interactive mode and
      the env in sourced.

      qconf -mconf
      shell_start_mode script_from_stdin

      qconf -mq all.q
      shell_start_mode script_from_stdin

      I add -V (export whole env) in the SGE stanza of the spec file and
      force a reload of bash (which then source the proper files as it
      thinks it is opened in interactive mode.)

      sge = -V -S /bin/bash -l mem_free=4G -r y -wd $assembly_path
      sgeScript = -V -pe smp 1 -l mem_free=4G -S /bin/bash -r y -wd
      sgeOverlap = -V -pe smp 4 -l mem_free=2G -S /bin/bash -r y -wd
      sgeFragmentCorrection = -V -pe smp 4 -l mem_free=5G -S /bin/bash -r y
      -wd $assembly_path
      sgeOverlapCorrection = -V -pe smp 4 -l mem_free=3G -S /bin/bash -r y
      -wd $assembly_path
      sgeConsensus = -V -pe smp 1 -S /bin/bash -r y -wd $assembly_path

      Second error:
      I don't know whether is comes from the missing, but the spec
      file is not copied in the temp subdirectory.

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      Bugs: #287

  • Sergey Koren

    Sergey Koren - 2014-12-03


    If I understand you correctly, you were providing the pre-assembled HGAP reads to PBcR? It should not cause the spec file error but it will not work properly as PBcR is designed to take the raw uncorrected filtered sequences. You can assemble the pre-assembled reads with CA but this is what HGAP does already.


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