
web.template / News: Recent posts

web.template 0.9.1 has been released

I want to inform about new release of template framework for PHP5 – web.template.

Corrects same bugs:
- <wt:include ...> bug
- <tag wt:param=”{var}” /> small bug
- others relay small bugs

Add same new features:
- add #true, #false and #null constant to <wt:if > tag
- add assignObjArray(...) method – now you can use arrays of class objects (remember – you have access ony to getters -> if you calss have method getName, you can call this method in templte by, or classes[index].name) ... read more

Posted by Marcin Staniszczak 2006-07-14

web.template 0.9.0 has been released

I wan to inform about new release of template framework for PHP5 – web.template.

Corrects same bugs:
- <wt:include ...> bug
- <tag wt:param=”{var}” /> small bug
- others relay small bugs

Add same new features:
- add #true, #false and #null constant to <wt:if > tag
- add assignObjArray(...) method – now you can use arrays of class objects (remember – you have access ony to getters -> if you calss have method getName, you can call this method in templte by, or classes[index].name)... read more

Posted by Marcin Staniszczak 2006-07-14

web.template 0.9.0 has been released


I wan to inform about new release of template framework for PHP5 – web.template. It will be complexly rewrite, and I add same new, I think interesting features.
From this release, you don’t must use assign method (but you still can). Now you can make something like this:

Make class file:
Class MyClass {
public function getHello() {
return ‘Hello world’;

And in index.php for example:
$tpl = new WebTemplate();
$tpl->setTemplateDir('/home/public_html/wt/Tests/templates/templates/');... read more

Posted by Marcin Staniszczak 2006-02-18

First official release

First official public release (beta) was published on SF. This release doesnt contains documentation or examples... but now I make examples and in future I published new version of web.template.

Posted by Marcin Staniszczak 2005-09-26