
Web KeePass - Pasword Safe - Next Release Is Ready!

Web KeePass- a web based Java/Swing port of the KeePass Password Manager project - “a free password manager which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way” Focuses on encryption and password security and secrecy.

Our next file release was made available today!

Features include:

-Completely web based

-SHA1, DES and RSA encryption over HTTPS/SSL connection.

-Intuitive robust Java Swing user interface that can be rendered in any web browser that supports Sun’s 1.5 (or greater) java plug-in. No other client software need be installed!

-Support for multi user and multi sign-on.

-All passwords/username information is encrypted within a single JVM embedded datasoucre. You will have one single datasoucre to back-up for all users. No more ‘password lists’ sitting on user work stations!

-All encryption is done client side by our Java Applet to ensure password security and secrecy over the internet- All data is encrypted multiple times supporting SHA1, DES and RSA encryption over an SSL connection.

-Easy painless installation – Web KeePass comes pre-bundled with Tomcat 5.x. Our Java installer will have you running within five minutes of downloading required software. Our installer creates an SSL security certificate for you and will configure Tomcat to run under HTTPS.

-Easily ported to other Servlet and J2EE web/application servers. We have attempted to stay as non-proprietary as possible in building SQL within the application. Creating an application environment on another Java Servlet Web Server (other than Tomcat) and/or using another database manager should require very minimal changes to SQL scripts and statements.

-Can be easily modified to support your logos and splash screens.

-Low band width. Web KeePass is designed using standard MVC methodologies to ensure your network band width is maximized.

Visit our project page at
Download this release at

Posted by Paul Jones 2007-09-19

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