
Our first file release made available today!

A web based Java/Swing port of the KeePass Password Manager project - “a free password manager which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way” Focuses on encryption over the internet and password security and secrecy.

Our first file release was made available today!

Features include:

-Completely web based

-Intuitive robust Java Swing user interface that can be rendered in any web browser that supports Sun’s 1.5 (or greater) java plug-in. No other client software need be installed!

-Support for multi user and multi sign-on

-All passwords/username information is encrypted within a single MySQL datasoucre. You will have one single datasoucre to back-up for all users. No more ‘password lists’ sitting on user work stations!

-All encryption is done client side by our Java Applet to ensure password security and secrecy

-Easy painless installation – Web KeePass comes pre-bundled with Tomcat 5.x. Our Java installer will have you running within five minutes of downloading required software

-Easily ported to other Servlet and J2EE web/application servers. We have attempted to stay as non-proprietary as possible in building SQL within the application. Creating an application environment on another Java Servlet Web Server (other than Tomcat) and/or using another database manager should require very minimal changes to SQL scripts and statements.

-Can be easily modified to support your logos and splash screens.

-Low band width. Web KeePass is designed using standard MVC methodologies to ensure your network band width is maximized.

Download it today! at:

Posted by Paul Jones 2007-05-28

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