
Web Geostatistics / News: Recent posts

Google Analytics Data Export

Importing data from Google Analytics is currently broken. Apparently, the protocol (Client Login) used does not longer work and it needs to be replaced with OAuth2.

I've hit a strange issue with OAuth2 authentication and there is little time to work on it, so it will take a while before it's fixed.

Posted by Casian Andrei 2011-12-23

Version 1.0.0 Final

The project has reached version 1.0.0, barely. There are still bugs present, but I do not have any more time to invest in the project, unfortunately.

The application should be usable. It does what it's supposed to do. All the major planned features have been implemented.

I hope you like it and find it useful. Or at least pretty :)

Posted by Casian Andrei 2011-02-13

Win32 0.9.0

The setup file for Windows 32 has been removed due to a critical blocker bug on Windows 7. I will try to solve the issue as soon as possible.

Posted by Casian Andrei 2010-12-02

0.9.0 Beta2

A new beta version has been released. However, there are lots of bugs everywhere, ranging from package installation problems to graphics problems. Each bug has to be tracked down and eliminated, and it will probably take some time. Testing is welcomed (and much needed)!

Posted by Casian Andrei 2010-12-01

0.5.2 Beta1 Released

We have fixed a number of annoying bugs and made some other improvements. Consequently, a new release has been made. Now we are beginning to implement support for Google Analytics.

Posted by Casian Andrei 2010-07-20

0.5.1 Beta1 released

Found out that the wgs server was completely broken and no registrations were possible for who knows how long. Made temporary fixes, and now it appears to work. Fixed most of the annoying bugs from 0.5.0. Added pretty icons.

Posted by Casian Andrei 2010-04-01

Beta devel

I will begin working on developing the beta version. Before the beta is complete, the following must be implemented:
- redesigning the module classes
- bar graphs showing the data nicely in a time dependent fashion
- implementing the import from sql database feature
- better error handling (handling more cases of things that can go wrong)

I hope the beta version will be ready by the start of march.

Posted by Casian Andrei 2010-02-03


The dynamic DNS service for our improvised server has failed us :(. We have changed the provider, and now the domain name has changed. Please use the following server address:

Posted by Casian Andrei 2009-09-26

Version 0.3.4 released

The new packages have been generated for Windos and Linux. Found and fixed a major critical bug on the Windos platform, that crashed the application starting it's second launch, because of a small bug in Qt (the QAbstractItemModel::beginRemoveRows() function with count=0). Please send us an email if you find critical bugs :)

Posted by Casian Andrei 2009-09-23

Add Module Dialog

Finally, work on the Add Module Dialog has been completed. Now the Web Geostatistics application should be functional again. The improvised home server also appears to be functioning. Therefore, you should be able to use the application, despite it has not been tested extensively. Soon work on the important data analysis section will begin.

Posted by Casian Andrei 2009-09-23


We managed to set up an improvised Linux home server, which will become the default server starting the next release. The next release will be made in a couple of days, after the work done to the add module dialog is completed. Unfortunately there is much work needed to be done until the beta stage is ready.

Posted by Casian Andrei 2009-09-20

Server down (for weeks)

Unfortunately the only Web Geostatistics server is down for an unknown period of time because the account for the web hosting has been suspended due to exceeded traffic limit for Web-Remote.

This means Web Geostatistics will be unusable for a couple of weeks, until we implement support to configure the server address in the application, and until we configure a improvised home server.

We apologize for this unfortunate event.

Posted by Casian Andrei 2009-09-10

Released 0.3.0

After fixing some more bugs, and adding the texture set selection option, we are ready with the 0.3.0 ALPHA version.

Posted by Casian Andrei 2009-07-31


Finally the reorganization of the project has been completed. Now the CMake build system is functional, Doxygen configured and the source documentation done. No more build files in the subversioning tree. Soon documentation for the developers of the applications or websites that can be analyzed will be ready.

Posted by Casian Andrei 2009-07-28

Source documentation

The documentation of the source has been completed. It uses Doxygen to generate html pages. Usage documentation for the wgsclient library will be done soon. The reorganization of the project is nearing completion.

Posted by Casian Andrei 2009-07-23

Various bugs fixed

Some important bugs have been fixed, in the data download and management classes, and the performance of the data analysis has been improved.

However, there are still some bugs present and there is much more to be implemented.

More features will be added after the refactoring, bug fixing and documentation are done. We hope to achieve this by the end of this month.

Posted by Casian Andrei 2009-07-16


The project is being switched from QMake to CMake, since CMake is better for cross-platform development. However, this is not easy to get done, but we believe that it is necessary.

Overall, we aim to make the code more conforming to the open source development standards.

Posted by Casian Andrei 2009-07-09

Usable version

Web Geostatistics is finally approaching an usable beta-version. In about a week, a usable version should be available via the source code.

Unfortunately, download packages are not in this week's schedule, but they will be prepared as soon as we have time.

Posted by Casian Andrei 2009-04-18