
What should I do for work

  • Rudá Cunha

    Rudá Cunha - 2010-05-25

    I'm trying to create the webdav, but I can not.
    I opened the example in VS2008 begotten the dll, then created another project (Web Application) put the dll, put the parameter in web.config after I published the folder wwwroot
    I made the settings here: https: / /
    but did not work.
    Could anyone help me?

  • Germinal Ibarrola

    I'll release the demo website source code I used to create application along with a Readme guide in the next few days. Can you let me know if you're able to access the webdav repository by mapping a drive as described in

    In short, adding the Sphorium.WebDAV.Examples.FileServer.FileWebDAVModule to the systems.web -> httpModules section along with the associated WebDAVDirRoot appsetting should do it. Keep in mind that you have to make sure the application processes all requests so setup a wildcard script map. (note: the code has been updated in SVN but will be released as part of 3.3 to use settings which should eliminate confusion. For now, use the WebDAVDirRoot appsetting).

  • Rudá Cunha

    Rudá Cunha - 2010-05-26

    Meanwhile could send me a sample web.config would look like?


  • Rudá Cunha

    Rudá Cunha - 2010-05-27

    I managed to run the ASP.NET Development Server.
    But when I put the bug in IIS.

    I am using IIS 7.5

    What can it be?

    HTTP Error 404.4 - Not Found
    The resource you are looking for does not have an associated handler.
    Information Related Errors
    Module IIS Web Core
    Notification MapRequestHandler
    Handler Not yet determined
    Error Code 0x80070002
    Requested URL http://localhost:80/
    Physical path C: \ Projects \ Sphorium.WebDAV.Examples.FileServer.Module_052310_212620_ver1.1-src \ WebApplication1
    Method Anonymous Logon
    Logon User Anonymous

  • Germinal Ibarrola

    Sounds like you might be missing the wildcard handler to process all files & verbs.

    The demo site ( source code has been released. Take a look… hopefully that will help.

  • Rodrigo Oriani

    Rodrigo Oriani - 2011-06-28

    gibarrola. I would like to know if there a special IIS configuration to make the .net example works? Have I to enable webdav on it? Explain me more if some is necessary. My solution it´s building right but when I´m mapping, the files seems read only and itsn´t possible to create a new file.. A through the IE a lot of trouble in word and IIS process…. Tanks!!!!


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