
Bug Reports / Feature Requests  Maximize  Restore

Showing 5 results of 5

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Creator Created Updated Labels Type of report Group Priority (9=hightest)
285 Changing a keyboard shortcut for a menuitem can yield a seemingly inappropriate error message Invalid pending Morten MacFly Gitoffthelawn 2024-05-19 2024-05-20 Bug Report Invalid 4  
284 The 'Default (reset to neutral)' menuitem keyboard shortcut does not always work Invalid pending Morten MacFly Gitoffthelawn 2024-05-19 2024-05-20 Bug Report Invalid 7  
279 FR: Add Home/End PageUp/PageDown key support for Ignores/Replace list Invalid pending Morten MacFly Gitoffthelawn 2024-04-21 2024-05-19 Feature Request Invalid 1  
273 `RegEx Filter` feature does not seem to work Invalid pending Morten MacFly Gitoffthelawn 2024-03-25 2024-05-20 Bug Report Invalid 5  
11 Folder Structure Future_Release accepted Morten MacFly Sebastian Hausler 2019-11-15 2021-04-01 None Future_Release 1  
  • Ticket Number
  • Summary
  • Milestone
  • Status
  • Owner
  • Creator
  • Created
  • Updated
  • Labels
  • Type of report
  • Group
  • Priority (9=hightest)
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