
webERP now over 500,000 downloads

A significant milestone was reached last month, with the total number of downloads tipping over the half million. China, India and USA being the biggest downloaders of the system.

webERP is a complete web based accounting and business management system that requires only a web-browser and pdf reader to use. With the first release in late 2003 - it is now almost 10 years since it's first release. Whilst it was ahead of it's time as an entirely web-based application at the time - it is now well proven and accepted as the best model for the future of ERP systems.

webERP continues to evolve and now has a range and depth of features particularly suited to distributed businesses in wholesale, distribution and manufacturing including full MRP. There are translations into over 30 different languages being fully utf-8 compatible.

A third party desktop POS now allows webERP to form the hub of a multi-lane and multi-branch retail operation as a full retail management solutioin.

A fully integrated web-shop is also in the pipeline.

Thanks to all users and developers who have helped webERP reach this milestone.

Posted by Phil Daintree 2013-06-03

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