
wCMF / News: Recent posts

wCMF 3.6 released

Version 3.6 of the web application framework for PHP has been released.
You can download it from the SourceForge site

The new version is mainly a maintenance release that includes all
changes added since the last release:

. adapted all code to current PHP & browser versions
. updated external libraries
. added new input types (color picker, embed media)
. integrated a new media browser (elFinder)
+ lots of bug fixes & performance improvements... read more

Posted by ingo herwig 2014-02-06

wCMF 3.5 released

Version 3.5 of the web application framework for PHP has been released.
You can download it from the SourceForge site

The new version includes the following changes:

* added phpUnit tests
* integrated Lucene search engine
* implemented support for custom database scripts for installation and upgrade
* added inherent localization support for all content
* added Dionysos adapter to default application
* replaced ADOdb with PDO + more performance improvements
* added universal model id concept (allows to reference objects from remote systems)
+ many bug fixes... read more

Posted by ingo herwig 2011-05-25

wCMF 3.0 Black released

The 3.0 version of the MDA framework for PHP has been released.  
You can download it from the SourceForge site
In this version we have completely rewritten the Generator and added complete JSON support.

The most new important features are:  

* Integration in Eclipse  
* Completely new Generator (based on oAW 4.3.1) 
* Support for Open Source UML 2 Modelling tools (e.g. Topcased) 
* Integrated EnterpriseArchitect Connector  
* Separation Client Server (Improved JSON support) 
* Single file packaged generator with all dependencies (no eclipse needed) ... read more

Posted by Giuseppe Platania 2009-03-30

wCMF: 3.0 Black Beta is available

wCMF is a lightweight MDA approach to application development based on the MVC pattern. It allows to create any kind of PHP webapp, e.g. CRM, CMS from an UML model. It features an object persistence layer, a soap interface and standard views/controllers.

The first beta of the 3.0 version of our MDA framework for PHP has been released as Beta.
You can download it from the svbVersion source read more

Posted by Giuseppe Platania 2009-01-14

wCMF 2.6 DeepOrange released

The 2.6 version of the MDA framework for PHP has been released.
You can download it from the SourceForge site
In this version we enhanced the AJAX support within a Model Driven Architecture paradigm.
The most important features are:

* extjs 2.0.1 support.
* dynamic Object tree
* drag & drop reordering
* AJAX Combobox

For a complete list of features and corrected bug see read more

Posted by Giuseppe Platania 2008-03-22

wCMF 2.5 Orange released

The 2.5 version of our MDA framework for PHP has been released. You can download it from the SourceForge site
From this version we support the Web 2.0 within a Model Driven Architecture paradigm. From this version we support the Web 2.0 within a Model Driven Architecture paradigm.
The most important enhancement are:

* a new generation strategy that separe completely the generated classes from the custom one
* hook methods that are executed after standard events
* the AJAX User Interface.... read more

Posted by Giuseppe Platania 2007-11-18

wCMF 2.5 Orange Beta

The wCMF Orange 2.5 package is available for download from the svbversion source\*checkout*/wcmf/trunk/wCMF/generator/bin/
It feature AJAX UI with extjs.
A complete list of available features is on the WIKI .

Posted by Giuseppe Platania 2007-10-30

wCMF Red (2.1) Released

The wCMF development team is proud to announce the release of wCMF 2.1.

The new main features are:
- Enhanced view template that generate a View
- stereotype for modeling system properties
- Database upgrade system,
- framework and the application template auto deployed to the target directory

In the next months we will enhance the existing framework with AJAX capability and generate an off line smart client for Field Force Automation.

Posted by Giuseppe Platania 2007-06-28

wCMF Red (version 2.1) in Beta

The beta 2.1 package is available for download from the svbversion source\*checkout*/wcmf/trunk/wCMF/generator/bin/ A complete list of available features is on the WIKI .

Posted by Giuseppe Platania 2007-06-14

wCMF Red Alpha

In the last months from publication of version 2.0 we have found and corrected many bugs and added several features.
Most important new features are the creation of specific views and the fix of the standard Enterprise Architect application.
The generator has now the internal version number of 2.0.0008.
We suggest to all user to get the actual version from Subversion.
Following the Roadmap release 2.1, Code Name RED, will be published in May.
A complete list of new features is on our Wiki:

Posted by Giuseppe Platania 2007-04-04

wCMF Version 2.0 released

Main focus of the new release is the consolidation
of the MDA approach of application development with
wCMF. We enhanced the generator metamodel to make
applications more customizable through modeling and
improved the usability of the default application
template. If you are new to wCMF start with the new
HelloWord tutorial.

Main changes in this release are:

wCMF default application template:

- concise layout with tabbed navigation and list
displays that support sorting and paging
- advanced search using query templates
- improved resource browser
- soap interface that supports crud operations on
all entity types
- support for different entity association types
(composite, shared)
- internal changes include listener support for
PersistentObject classes and customizable
validation... read more

Posted by ingo herwig 2007-02-05

wCMF Version 1.1 released

wCMF is a PHP web application framework based on the MVC pattern. Applications are defined in a stereotyped UML model, from which the code generator builds the persistence layer and stubs for controllers and views. The main field of application is the building of content management systems.

Main changes in this release:


- complete visual redesign of the default application
- FCKeditor integration with image and link management
- improved error handling
- added support for headline generation, ftp synchronization and link manipulation
- new smarty_plugins (configvalue, count_items)
- new development tools (media cleanup, regexp test)... read more

Posted by ingo herwig 2005-09-15