
Google Wave Notifier / News: Recent posts

New Release -

A new release of the Google Wave Notifier has been distributed. This release includes several bug fixes as reported by the Crash Reporter. Special thanks go out to the people who have reported a bug.

If you have any problems updating to the new version, please leave a bug at the support section of this project website.

Happy Waving!

Posted by Pieter van Ginkel 2010-02-15

New Release -

A new release of the Google Wave Notifier has been distributed. This release includes the following new changes:

* Crashes are now reported to using the Mozilla Crash Reporter and Google Breakpad;
* Improved support for multi monitor systems;
* Solved some problems where the Google Wave Notifier became instable after it was running for a long time.

If you have any problems updating to the new version, please leave a bug at the support section of this project website.... read more

Posted by Pieter van Ginkel 2010-02-11

Login problems? Please upgrade!

If you are experiencing problems logging on to Google Wave, and you are not on the latest release (, please upgrade manually by downloading the latest version of the Google Wave Notifier from

Posted by Pieter van Ginkel 2010-02-05

New Release -

A new release of the Google Wave Notifier has been distributed. This release includes a fix to allow the Google Wave Notifier to log on to Google Wave unhindered. If you have any problems updating to the new version, please leave a bug at the support section of this project website.

Happy Waving!

Posted by Pieter van Ginkel 2010-02-05

New Release -

A new release of the Google Wave Notifier has been distributed. This release includes the following new changes:

* Improved detection of the Chrome browser;

* Upgraded the version of cURL;

* Some small fixes in the Google Wave client-server protocol.

If you have any problems updating to the new version, please leave a bug at the support section of this project website.

Happy Waving!

Posted by Pieter van Ginkel 2010-01-30

New Release -

A new release of the Google Wave Notifier has been distributed. This release includes the following new changes:

* The Google Wave client-server protocol has been updated and these changes have been integrated into the Google Wave Notifier application;

* Some random crashes caused by unexpected responses from Google Wave have been solved.

If you have any problems updating to the new version, please leave a bug at the support section of this project website.... read more

Posted by Pieter van Ginkel 2010-01-27

New Release -

A new release of the Google Wave Notifier has been distributed. This release features notifications when your friends come online.

If you have any problems updating to the new version, please leave a bug at the support section of this project website.

Happy Waving!

Posted by Laura Stolp 2010-01-03

New Release -

A new release of the Google Wave Notifier has been distributed. This release contains a fix to a problem some people experienced with the automatic update process.

If you have any problems updating to the new version, please leave a bug at the support section of this project website.

Happy Waving!

Posted by Pieter van Ginkel 2009-12-27

New Release -

A new release of the Google Wave Notifier has been distributed. This release include the following new feature:

* Google Waves are now reported immediately when they are received. New Waves are reported as soon as the person sending you the wave adds you as a recipient. Replies to existing Waves are reported while the sender is typing the Wave;

* The Google Wave Notifier now automatically updates itself to the latest version. As soon as a version has been made available online, your installation will update itself to this latest version;... read more

Posted by Pieter van Ginkel 2009-12-27