
WatiN: Released 2.0 CTP3

WatiN (pronounced "what-in") stands for Web Application Testing in dotNet. Inspired by Watir, WatiN enables web application testing, through Internet Explorer on a Windows platform, expressed in any .Net language.

This is the third CTP release of WatiN 2.0, offering support for both Internet Explorer and FireFox

Changes in this release:

  • Implemented support on Mozilla.Frame to get access to elements inside the document of a Frame
  • Implemented support on Mozilla.Frame to get access to elements inside the document of an IFrame
  • Implemented Eval on Mozilla.Document (= FireFox and Frame) and added to the IFrame interface

Fixed bug(s):
- Form.Submit didn't wait for a possible postback and page load.

Posted by Jeroen van Menen 2009-02-12

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