
Also having Auto-Connect problems

  • theuedimaster

    theuedimaster - 2005-03-07

    First of all, i have a group right now of only 2 people for testing. We both have routers. I did some router access point stuff so that the router automaticaly sends stuff of port 1337 to my comp. Now, my friends can connect to me. I, however, cannot connect to them.

    do they have to do it too?

    Second question is that when my friiend logs on to waste, it doesn't auto-connect. He has to go to network connections and then double click my ip address in the bottom box. Then it connects fine. Is there anyway to make it connect automatically when he logs on? He is right now logging on to my wan ip address.

    • td4guy

      td4guy - 2005-03-09

      Yes, they have to forward their port 1337 also.

      I get my WASTE client to auto-connect by setting "Maintain [1] connnections" in the Network Status window.

      Is the other guy's IP address still listed in the big list box? (not the drop-down box). I've heard rumors that this box (among other things) loses its data when you shut down your computer without first closing be sure to do that, just in case.

    • Shifty

      Shifty - 2005-03-25

      "I get my WASTE client to auto-connect by setting "Maintain [1] connnections" in the Network Status window. "
      no It does not help
      Waste 1.4a3 - autoconnects normally and all latest versions(b2 and b3) dont auto-connect at all - Network status list always empty at every next start.(I can connect to anybody manually, but hey we got 100+ users)


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