
War Setup / News: Recent posts

New version

Todays release is mailny for convenience. The code is cleaned up a bit, the interface looks better when War Setup is working, and I've added som econvenience-features. I've also included a patch from exavolt to alow an Uninstall item on the Program Files menu.

I've not had time to include all of the new features yet. Expect a new reease next week. as well :)

Posted by Jarle Aase 2009-01-30

New version

I hve released version 3.10 of warSetup.

This release goes around the problem in Vista when insufficinet privileges cause Explorer to fail to drop files in WarSetup. It's also tested with the very latest WIX 3 release (from December 2008). I have also fixed a number of minor bugs and added some additional features.

See my warinstall-blog on for information on my future plans with WarInstall (hint: more features both for power and convenience).... read more

Posted by Jarle Aase 2009-01-16

New version

I've released a new version. War Setup will now make validating packages, and supports options in included Merge-modules.

I've also fixed a bug where COM modules was not registered during install.

Posted by Jarle Aase 2007-10-27

New version

Version 3.05-BETA is released. The new version resolve some minor bugs, but the main news is a feature to save the content to one or several external .cab files. This became a requirement, as warlib (my C++ library) install broke the limit for what wix can store in one .msi file.

I have used this release for C and C++ libraries, C++ applications and C# applications, from a new hundred kbytes to several gigabytes (uncompressed). It seems to get the job done :)

Posted by Jarle Aase 2007-09-17