
WarHead / News: Recent posts

Project Update News

I am currently enrolling into The University of Montana and I will resume the uploads of new source and binaries as soon as I get settled into the campus.

Thank you for your patience.....

Posted by Allen Warren 2004-01-16

WarHead Alpha Source Code Updated

WarHead is a GUI client frontend for the managment of phpNuke web portals. Written in C++ in KDevelop and QTDesigner it allows the client to manage the content of a phpNuke site in a dialog based frontend running on a X Windows based enviornment.

This Alpha Version will allow you to Edit Story Text and change the settings for stories that are already posted onto a phpNuke Site.

Posted by Allen Warren 2003-12-16

WarHead Alpha Binary for Redhat 9 Released

WarHead is a GUI client frontend for the managment of phpNuke web portals. Written in C++ in KDevelop and QTDesigner it allows the client to manage the content of a phpNuke site in a dialog based frontend running on a X Windows based enviornment.

This Alpha Version will allow you to Edit Story Text and change the settings for stories that are already posted onto a phpNuke Site.

Posted by Allen Warren 2003-12-16

WarHead Alpha Source Code Updated

Added the reading in all of the data from the nuke_stories table for the Edit Stories feature to function like the web version.

The Save button is disabled on the Story Settings Tab until I get the Multiple Selections to work for the Associated Topics in the code. Cleaned up the Dialogs a bit.

Posted by Allen Warren 2003-12-13

WarHead Source Alpha Release

WarHead is a GUI client frontend for the managment of phpNuke web portals. Written in C++ in KDevelop and QTDesigner it allows the client to manage the content of a phpNuke site in a dialog based frontend running on a X Windows based enviornment.

The system that I am currently developing on is running Redhat Linux 9 with KDE 3.1-10, KDevelop 3.0.0b1, QT Designer 3.1.1 and QT 3.1.1. The server that I have setup is running Redhat Linux 9.0 and MySQL 3.23.54. You will have to have the QT MySQL driver for QT Designer and the MySQL Development libraries loaded up to make the aplication work properly. You do not have to install the server files on your client machine.... read more

Posted by Allen Warren 2003-12-03

NEW Project Started for the managment of phpNuke web portals

WarHead is a GUI client frontend for the managment of phpNuke web portals. Written in C++ in KDevelop and QTDesigner it allows the client to manage the content of a phpNuke site in a dialog based frontend running on a X Windows based enviornment.

A beta screenshot is available on the project web site located here

Posted by Allen Warren 2003-11-29