
C tutorial by example posted

C tutorial of VTD-XML by code examples is just posted at

There are 13 directories under this directory. Each directory contains
the C code of a short application written in VTD-XML. Additionally, each
directory contains the input and output XML documents. All those examples
are self-explanatory, ideally suited as the first course for learning

Below is a list of brief description of what each directory contains.

1. hello world (parsing from a file) parse+ navigate
2. using XPath without namespaces
3. using XPath with name spaces

4. index writing
5. index loading

Incremental Modifier
6. modify an attribute value
7. remove element fragments
8. insert fragments

NS compensated fragments
9. insert namespace compensated element fragments

10. re-arrange element fragments

11. create a template
12. edit the template
13. erase the template

Posted by jimmy zhang 2007-11-30

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