
#1365 Important feature request!: VNC KVM friendliness. How: Make an option so that each keydown is *immediately* followed by a keyup!



When using VNC to remote administrate a KVM, keyboard repeat problems are Huge, when there's a network lag.

This is because the VNC protocol communicates keyup:s and keydown:s, and the keydown can be delayed, and thus the other end's keyboard autorepeat will kick in unintendedly.

I suggest you introduce a "Send whole keypresses" option, such that when enabled, UltraVNC doesn't send keyup/keydown but instead on each keypress it sends a sequence of up&down in one and the same TCP packet, that way ensuring there'll be no unintended keyboard repeating on the other end.

Can I be the beta tester for this new feature? :D


  • Mikael

    Mikael - 2015-10-05

    (What I request seems to be the same option as x11vnc's "-norepeat", )

  • Anton

    Anton - 2016-02-11

    In my opinion this feature can be add namely as option, not default behaviour.
    With slow connections server OS accessibility options can be used as workaround.

  • Mikael

    Mikael - 2016-02-12

    Hi Anton, at least my primary VNC use is for use against a KVM/QEMU/other VM, where I install it by remote.

    In such setups, there is no OS accessibility option. And there would be, I wouldn't be able to use it anyhow, because say that it would take 15 keypresses to enable it, I would probably need to spend something like 24 hours in typing attempts, only to get there.

    With this considered, what do you feel about this feature?

  • Anton

    Anton - 2016-02-12

    Mikael, hardly this option would be add in the next release.
    If You can compile viewer, try to add something like
    m_extKeySymListener->onRfbKeySymEvent(rfbKeySym, false);

    Another possibility is using OS keyboard filtering on client side.

  • Anton

    Anton - 2016-02-12
    • status: open --> open-accepted
    • assigned_to: Anton
    • Group: -->

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