
Tree [c00b47] default tip /

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File Date Author Commit
 reference 2013-10-21 PEDERSEN PEDERSEN [c95cb3] Readme and reference added
 vms_source 2013-10-22 PEDERSEN PEDERSEN [c00b47] Update for removed files...
 README 2013-10-22 PEDERSEN PEDERSEN [ae422c] Fixed formatting in README

Read Me

This is the S3270 subset of the X3270 emulator project.

This effort - porting to OpenVMS - was undertaken as the "author" had a project
where he needed a programmatic interface similar to the DEC/Compaq/HP SNA 3270
Data Stream Programming Interface. 

This repository was also created so as to define the process for creating and
accessing open source Mercurial repositories on SourceForge (SF) from OpenVMS,
using Python and Hg as ported by Jean-Francois Pieronne. 


	The suggested use of SSH for interaction with the SF repository
	does not work properly on OpenVMS for Mercurial.  The following
	uses "https" instead.

The basic process initially create the SF Repository and populate it is:

	Create this SF repository via the Admin>Tools function.

	Create a directory structure like on your OpenVMS host system:


	Copy your files and directory structure to the lowest level directory.

	Now we get ready to create a local repository

	SET DEF [S3270]		!or where ever you have it...
	hg init                 !create the repository
	hg add			!add all the files below this to the repository
	hg commit		!start commit process
	...			! you will be asked for a comment to the 
				! commit...
	hg push
				! the above will then move the data to the 
				! SF repository
	hg push			! if your .hgrc file in SYS$LOGIN has a 
				! default like:

		default =

Now, if you are cloning the repository from SF to your OpenVMS 
environment then the command:

	hg clone

works just fine!!


	In this configuration the "hg push..." will always ask for the user's
	SF password.  The .hgrc file entry can be changed to have the password
	as well - with the associated risk of exposure.

default =

A final note!!!  ALL files in the repository should be STREAM_LF format.  This
this end a command procedure is located in the top directory of the VMS_SOURCE
path: TO_STREAM_LF.COM.  This will convert VARIABLE record format files to
STREAM_LF.  It depends upon a .FDL file in the OpenVMS Mercurial distribution. 

21 Oct 2013