
OpenJDK on OpenVMS

  • Bill Pedersen

    Bill Pedersen - 2013-05-04

    There was a discussion last night during the Open Source on OpenVMS Engineering Conference Call about the potential of implementing OpenJDK on OpenVMS as a Community Project.

    As such I am following up with you, those who have expressed some interest in the process we are pushing to gauge your interest in being involved and contributing to such a project. Obviously this is an early point in this process but we would also like to determine what sort of participation you would like in this effort.

    We also intend to discuss this in more detail in the various forums but I thought this slightly more focused arena might be better as a start.

    We look forward to hearing from you!


    Bill and the rest of the Open Source on OpenVMS Community “team”.

    Remember to log in if you want your comments signed...

    We will accept and authorize Anonymous posts when it makes sense but we really are looking for reasonable feedback and talking to a blank face does not help that process.



    Last edit: Bill Pedersen 2013-05-19
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-05-18

    I could potentially be interested even though I currently only have access to Alpha not I64.

    Note that it is not a trivial task.

    Both getting the native parts of the library implemented and the JIT compiler in the JVM will be time consuming tasks.

    If HP could be convinced to open source what they have so that it would just be a lift from Java 5 to 7 on Alpha and from Java 6 to 7 on I64, then it would be an order of magnitude easier.

    This is what Apple did. They open sourced what they had and let OpenJDK take over.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-05-19

    I 100% agree with "not a trivial task" and "If HP could be convinced ... it would be an order of magnitude easier." But that doesn't make it easy, and then it would be more of a fork from the current JDK than a port of the OpenJDK.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-05-21

    OpenJDK already supports multiple OS (Solaris, Linux, Windows, MacOS X, *BSD) and multiple ISA (x86, x86-64 and SPARC).

    If OpenJDK project is willing to take OpenVMS, Alpha and Itanium patches, then it will not be a fork.

    That may not be easy. But I think it will be easier than convince HP to hand over the code.

  • Bill Pedersen

    Bill Pedersen - 2013-05-25

    So, how about some names of you who have expressed interest? Kind of hard to send an email to Anonymous, or to identify on a project plan!!!

    We are working with HP on this effort. It is not like it will be done without technical support. This is sort of the model of effort we are working to develop here with the VMS-Ports SourceForge Project. We have the OpenVMS Community with interests and skills to help with the "open" aspects of these ports and we work very closely with HP OpenVMS Engineering to resolve issues in the CRTL and other internal facilities (like shared memory api or SSIO or a new CRTL based pipe) where it is more effective for them in terms of the technology focus.

    We need people involved!

    So send me your names!



  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-06-02

    Comments 18th and 21st is Arne Vajhoej.


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