
How to add window rule to open a Chrome user

  • Val

    Val - 2012-08-18

    I have created 4 shortcuts to different Chrome users so that I can open each user directly. I just had to add 
    -profile-directory="Profile 1" after chrome.exe in the shortcut. target But this doesn't work adding it to a window rule Process Name. Is there any other way that I can create a different rule for each Chrome User?

  • Val

    Val - 2012-08-18

    By the way, if you don't know how to create different Chrome users direct access just add -profile-directory=Default after chrome.exe to the shortcut Target (rightclicking the shortcut icon / Properties, under DirectAccess Label). Be careful to leave a space between chrome.exe and –profile.
    Add new_ direct access_ for each additional profile and change Default for “Profile x" -using the quotation marks" now and being x the corresponding number Chrome uses for the folders of the other user profiles (in C:\Users\Val\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data). Each shortcut

  • Val

    Val - 2012-08-18

    Sorry , I say shortcut I think the correct word is Direct Access

  • Johan Piculell

    Johan Piculell - 2012-08-31

    I think I understand what you mean now. Seems like adding the -profile argument to the process does not add any uniqueness to the process name, at least not when I tested. This means that there is noting that VirtuaWin can pickup and distinguish between the different profiles.

    Or if you select "Info" on the Chome window, can you see your profile argument in the info box?


  • Val

    Val - 2013-01-17

    Ups, sorry I missed the reply on my email. Unfortunately I stopped using VirtuaWin and now that I'm using Windows 8 (I happen to like it) and not sure whether I would install a desktop manager. I'd probably see what you mean by "Chrome window"  if installing VirtuaWin again, but I'm not very encouraged to do it seeing this is not something you see how to solve now and not sure if it will work in windows 8 also. Still the -profile argument works when you add a shortcut in the desktop for example. It will open it with the appropriate Chrome user.
    Thanks anyway and regards.


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