
#122 Export Track and Route List


I'd like to have an csv export functionality for the GPX Track and Route List dialog so that I can do some filtering with other tools.


  • Rob Norris

    Rob Norris - 2014-07-21

    Initially I thought you meant the convert the tracks and routes to CSV, but now I understand better in that I think you want all the information that is displayed (track name,date,distance,length, etc...) to be exported.

    I would be inclined to implement this by copying all the selected entries text into the clipboard, with each field separated by a tab (rather than commas as they can be part of the name!). Then one should be able to paste that where ever one wants (so either into plain text document or some thing like LibreOffice Calc which should understand that format).

    This should not be too hard, so I might be able to do this for v1.6.

    • gomtu

      gomtu - 2014-07-23

      Indeed, only those informations which are displayed in the dialog are needed. Copy those entries to the clipboard is fine!

  • Rob Norris

    Rob Norris - 2015-02-24
    • status: open --> pending
  • Rob Norris

    Rob Norris - 2015-02-24

    Code has been committed to the master repository.

  • Rob Norris

    Rob Norris - 2015-04-01
    • status: pending --> closed
  • Rob Norris

    Rob Norris - 2015-04-01

    Included in Viking 1.6 release.

    On the track list, select entries, right click -> Copy Data.

    Paste elsewhere as text (formatted as tab separated values), e.g. in LibreOffice Calc.


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