
#27 Way to display size AND mod time in panels

TUI (9)

Is there a way to configure the panels to show both the size and modification time of a file in the panels? Currently it only shows modification time
if the panel is sorted on it. I would always like to see the size and time in the listing. Which time is shown could depend on the sort order when
sorted by one of the various times (atime,ctime,mtime).


  • xaizek

    xaizek - 2012-03-23

    It's currently not supported. There should be a separate option to let one control what columns should be shown. It will be something similar to 'sort' option, but with support of column widths and alignment specification, for example :set columns=%-name,%5size,%10mtime.

  • xaizek

    xaizek - 2012-08-06

    It took quite long time to happen, but finally it's been implemented. So now git version contains new 'viewcolumns' local option. To show modification time and size in both panels you can add the following command to your .vifmrc:
    windo set viewcolumns=-{name}..,7{size},16{mtime}
    adjust column width to make it look good for your settings. This way sorting and columns in the view will be completely independent. You can use {} in 'viewcolumns' value to make column display what primary sort key. For more complex things one probably needs to define commands with presents, e.g:
    command atime :set sort=mtime viewcolumns=-{name},16amtime},7{size}

    I've closed the ticket, but feel free to reopen it or post comments if you have any issues or suggestions about column view.


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