
Veterinary Calculator / News: Recent posts

Beta 0.9.1

This is just a minor release to fix some text to make things easier to understand and to fix building on linux with nant. This is also likely the last GPL release, the next release will be LGPL or perhaps even BSD.

Posted by Jacob Alberty 2006-12-10

Yes it is still active

I am currently moving the subversion repository to sourceforge's systems and it should be up soon. I also am considering a license change to LGPL or maybe even BSD to allow more freedom to integrate the project with commercial projects. The goal of this project is to improve veterinary software, not to grab control. So I feel the license should be changed to reflect that.

Posted by Jacob Alberty 2006-12-10

Overdue update

I am sorry to remain quiet for so long but I have finally decided to do an update to this project. I have updated the website at . I will be making a 1.0 release as soon as I get some documentation together. Once I have the documentation I will begin putting together packages for Windows and Linux. If anyone using VetCalc has found any bugs please report them now as I will be out of town next month after school ends.

Posted by Jacob Alberty 2005-04-18

VetCalc now builds on DotGNU

In addition to running on DotGNU I have now added a .build file for csant, you may now build VetCalc from source on your favorite flavor of unix. Please note that is only in the .tar.gz package which was just uploaded, future releases will include in both the .zip and the .tar.gz packaes. To build simply untar on a machine with dotgnu installed, go into the directory created and run csant from that directory, it will automaticly create VetCalc.exe.

Posted by Jacob Alberty 2005-01-03

Beta 0.9

This release removes the last of the old parenthesis code, fixes a bug in the backspace handler so that it now puts in a 0 when you backspace all of the numbers and makes escape clear the current number as well as previous entries.

Posted by Jacob Alberty 2004-12-29

VetCalc now in Beta

The first beta has been published, the only code change was the completion of the parenthesis code, however this release marks the completion of all features, from now untill the first production release I will be focusing on fixing bugs.

Posted by Jacob Alberty 2004-12-27

Alpha 0.7

This release now uses livecontrols from In adition it fixes the conversion utility to behave in a more useable manner.

Posted by Jacob Alberty 2004-12-24

Alpha 0.6

This Alpha completely replaces the math evaluator with a new one supporting order of operations, warning parenthesis support is VERY broken in this, it will be replaced as soon as possible. It also improves DotGNU's Portable.NET support the basic calculator functions now work under Portable.NET version 0.6.10, note that conversions still do not work.

Posted by Jacob Alberty 2004-12-13

Alpha 0.5

This release primarily corrects the calculator buttons to behave more like windows buttons. I also removed some extra resources that werent really being used which reduced the .exe filesize by about 50%.

Posted by Jacob Alberty 2004-12-10

Alpha 0.4

This alpha adds a new faster factorization algorithm and features a more or less complete rewrite of the LiveButton class that decends directly from system.Windows.Forms.Control.

Posted by Jacob Alberty 2004-12-08


Just thought i'd note that as of Alpha 0.3 VetCalc now runs under the DotGNU project's Portable.Net. It doesn't perform calculations yet, but it does load up. Mono still does not work however.
UPDATE: If you intend to use VetCalc under Portable.Net it is advised to run the latest cvs versopm of Portable.Net. There are still a few crashes under Portable.Net, however the Portable.Net developers have been quick to fix bugs which I have reported.

Posted by Jacob Alberty 2004-12-07

Alpha 0.3

This alpha fixes a bug in the unit converter, splits the mathematical evaluator to prepare for order of operations support and adds a new LiveButton class for new buttons in the interface.

Posted by Jacob Alberty 2004-12-06

Alpha 0.2

Second Alpha is out, it replaces the old Evaluator with a new stack based evaluator.

Posted by Jacob Alberty 2004-12-03

Subversion repository

Subversion repository is up at

Posted by Jacob Alberty 2004-12-03

First Alpha release

I have posted the first alpha. Please be forewarned it is not ready for production use, but I will be working on it often.

Posted by Jacob Alberty 2004-12-02