

  • Jeffrey Bonevich

    D'oh!  Always hate when this happens ... but great minds think alike I guess.  I too have written and released an eclipse plugin to provide a graphical CVS version tree.  Check it out here:

    I used GEF and set the graph viewer up as an editor.  I have not tried the Eclipse Version Tree Plugin, but plan to do so in the next couple of days.  If yours is more feature-rich (looks like it), and your project has more momentum (also appears to be the case: 1 developer vs 6), I may just refer folks to your project for a more advanced tool.  Regardless, I will add a link to your sourceforge project page on my site.

    I will get back with more discussion.


    • Jeffrey Bonevich

      Most definite.  You guys rock.  I like your plugin better than my own!  So here are some suggestions:

      * Do you plan to implement merge lines?  i.e. configurable tag introspection that creates a "dotted" line from a version on one branch into a version on another branch.  I have done this, and will be happy to share code, or join the project and contribute this to it.

      * Layout of the graph seems a little off - bent lines that could be straight, left-justification of a node inside a column?  This might be something I can assist on as well, as I developed a custom algorithm for doing layout for my plugin.

      * Publicize!!!  I cannot believe that it took me this long to find your plugin.  Doing a search on sourceforge for "cvs eclipse" (require all) does not even include it in the result list.  Only found it doing a general search on 'cvs' and paging through the hundreds of results.  Also found it (once I knew the project name) via "version eclipse".  So I recommend:
      (1) Add some more verbiage to the summary page (??  not sure if this would have the desired effect for sf searches - no clue what the sf search results sort ordering is based on.
      (2) Add this plugin to the Eclipse plugin lists that are out there:
      and others listed on the plugin home page.

      Again, how can help?  Can I join the project?



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