
#32 MIDI problems with TIE Fighter


I'm running Windows XP and use a Sound Blaster Audigy
Have problems with MIDI sounds in TIE Fighter
Collector's edition.
Intall detects a Sound Blaster 16 for digital effects
and 4-OP FM for music. Problem is that music sounds
like crap, even my old sound blaster pro sounded
better. I tried setting General MIDI for the music,
but it doesn't work (actually the install utility
crashed), neither does Roland. My last choice was
AWE32, but it didn't work either!
BTW, How comes that AWE32/64 is no supported anymore
by the new line of sound blaster cards?!?! I mean,
AWE cards used the EMU8000 chip, and now Audigys come
with the EMU10K which is supposed to be better. I
don't get it.



    Vlad ROMASCANU - 2002-03-25

    Logged In: YES

    VDMSound will not emulate the EMU chip, and Windows will
    not let DOS games talk directly to it either.

    MIDI should definitely work (check for updates/patches!),
    and it should be as good as AWE. Post a message on the
    VDMSound forum if you still can't get MIDI to work.

    For SoundBlaster music you must keep in mind that, although
    VDMSound simulates up to SB16 on the "digital" end, it only
    does OPL-2 on the "FM" end (which is SB 1.0 or AdLib). SB-
    Pro was equipped with *two* OPL-2's, and SB-16 has an OPL-
    3. OPL-3 may be added in a few weeks, but try AdLib for
    the moment.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Still can't get General MIDI or Roland to work. I recall
    having read somewhere that MPU-401 emulation doesn't work
    with games that run in protected mode (e.g. TIE Fighter).
    If that's true, why is it not possible?
    Also, is there any way to emulate the EMU8000 on
    Live!/Audigy cards so I can choose "AWE32/64" in DOS games?


    Vlad ROMASCANU - 2002-04-09

    Logged In: YES

    It is not true that MPU-401 emulation won't work with p-
    mode games. If you choose MT-32 for MIDI does the scroll-
    lock led blink at all? I can run a demo of Tie Fighter
    just fine with both MT-32 and General MIDI (and SB sound
    And no, emulating the EMU8k is out of the question, sorry.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I'm having the same problem. Attempting to use MPU-401
    MIDI in TIE fighter will lock up the DOS window. The MT32
    emulation does just fine.. I'm used to the superb MIDI engine
    it has, so using 4-OP is a drag. I'm not seeing any scroll
    lock flashing with 4-OP.

    Just to be clear, I'm also using the DOS collector's CDROM
    edition of TIE fighter. In my opinion, it's the best game ever.
    The new TIE and X-wing sims don't hold a candle to it.

    Thanks for making VDMSound, and hopefully I can help a bit
    in making the MIDI emulation better. Anything I can do?


    Vlad ROMASCANU - 2002-12-15

    Logged In: YES

    Does the scroll-lock led flash when using MPU-401/MT-32? If
    it does then just be patient. I do have some sort of demo
    from LEC for Tie Fighter (or one of the numerous games that
    fall under that category) and it works fine over here with MIDI
    (the music is good too), though it only takes 3-4 seconds for
    the game to start up (at the most), so the problem may lie a
    bit deeper than that.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I don't see any scroll lock flashing with MIDI using any
    option. When I have it configured for general midi
    (MPU-401), as soon as the MIDI music would kick in, Tie
    Fighter (or the iMuse configurator) locks hard. This is
    under win2k.

    I mistakenly mentioned MT32 (I'm not really sure what that
    is) in the previous note... 4-OP and adlib are the only
    music that I can get working.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I don't see any scroll lock flashing with MIDI using any
    option. When I have it configured for general midi
    (MPU-401), as soon as the MIDI music would kick in, Tie
    Fighter (or the iMuse configurator) locks hard. This is
    under win2k.

    I mistakenly mentioned MT32 (I'm not really sure what that
    is) in the previous note... 4-OP and adlib are the only
    music that I can get working.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I don't see any scroll lock flashing with MIDI using any
    option. When I have it configured for general midi
    (MPU-401), as soon as the MIDI music would kick in, Tie
    Fighter (or the iMuse configurator) locks hard. This is
    under win2k.

    I mistakenly mentioned MT32 (I'm not really sure what that
    is) in the previous note... 4-OP and adlib are the only
    music that I can get working.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Is it even possible to run TIE under WinXP anyway? I have the
    old DOS diskette verion and when ever I try to run I get the
    EMS memory error.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    How is it possible to run TIE Fighter in WinXP? I have the old
    diskette version, and whenver I try to run it I get the EMS
    Memory error...

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    How is it possible to run TIE Fighter in WinXP? I have the old
    diskette version, and whenver I try to run it I get the EMS
    Memory error...


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