
VBDOX Visual Basic AddIn / News: Recent posts

VBDOXAddin v0.5.3 (beta) Released

VBDOX Visual basic Addin is a little Visual Basic 6.0 AddIn to generate automatic documentation in VB with VBDOX tool

This version fix the bug 902076, its highly recommend to update to this new version.

Posted by Carlos Garces 2004-02-22

Project afected by Impacted by Known Issue

If you try to access to CVS to get last version maybe you obtain outdated data.
This issue is a known and documented issue in the site
status page's Known Bugs section.

Posted by Carlos Garces 2004-01-27

Distribucion erronea / Erroneous distribution

Debido a un error al realizar el instalador, la version 0.4.8 contena una version incorrecta de la DLL, esta version contiene la copia correcta, junto con otra mejoras

Erroneous distribution
Due to a mistake with the installer, the version 0.4.8 was containing an incorrect version of the DLL, this version contains the correct copy, with other improves

Posted by Carlos Garces 2003-10-05

Aadido manual de usuario

Se ha aadido un pequeo manual de usuario en espaol, pueres encontrarlo en la seccin de documentos.

Posted by Carlos Garces 2003-07-22