
#116 Pocket Monsters: Red (V1.1, JP) - Hall of Fame corruption

Core (28)

I have been using the latest MFC build of VBA-M, 1097, to play Pocket Monsters: Red (V1.1, JP) [= second revision release of the Japanese Pokémon Red Version] and have never used any cheats or attempted to perform any glitches other than the Old man glitch, which proved to be unsuccessful as it apparently it does not work in Red/Green.

Anyway, my ROM of the game is clean (I confronted the SHA-1 hash of my file with that found at When I challenged the Elite Four and Champion (having beaten them), my Pokémon were registered normally in the Hall of Fame. However, after the game reset upon the credits, as it normally does, the Hall of Fame is corrupted when checked via the PC at a Pokémon Center. It is corrupted in a similar fashion to that that occurs when encountering MissingNo. in the English Pokémon Red and Blue Versions.

I then rechallenged the Pokémon League again and the result was the same. I then tried a third time but in the original VBA, version 1.7.2, and the Hall of Fame is fine after the game resets upon the credits.

Is this a bug in VBA-M or did something go wrong with the save? I believe it lies in VBA-M as it does not reproduce the behavior in the original VBA.


  • SatoMew

    SatoMew - 2012-07-03

    I have now tested my save file with the same ROM in BGB version 1.4 and I couldn't reproduce the behavior there either. I believe this shows that the issue is almost certainly a bug in VBA-M, as both the original VBA (version 1.7.2) and BGB (version 1.4) do not corrupt the Hall of Fame data in the save file as soon as the ROM restarts itself after the "THE END" screen at the end of the credits, which is the correct behavior.

  • SatoMew

    SatoMew - 2012-07-03
    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • Squall Leonhart

    Squall Leonhart - 2012-07-04

    Quite possibly a regression in MBC1 support
    The localised versions are MBC3

  • Squall Leonhart

    Squall Leonhart - 2012-07-04

    but you didn't attach a battery file, or even a state to test

  • Squall Leonhart

    Squall Leonhart - 2012-07-04

    if you can find a copy of SVN 746 and 747 anywhere, can you try to reproduce the issue on these

  • SatoMew

    SatoMew - 2012-07-04

    The copy of the save file before trying out in original VBA (version 1.7.2) and BGB (version 1.4).

  • SatoMew

    SatoMew - 2012-07-04

    I'll see if I can find those builds.

  • SatoMew

    SatoMew - 2012-07-06

    Thanks for the links. I can confirm that the issue also occurs in build 727. I don't think there's a need to test build 750 now or is there?

  • Squall Leonhart

    Squall Leonhart - 2012-07-07

    could you try with a fresh/different dump to just ensure its not a fault in the rom

    but there wasn't any mbc1 changes till chrono's patch, so its looking like it might be one of the other gb core changes otherwise......

  • SatoMew

    SatoMew - 2012-07-22

    I tried another confirmed properly dumped and clean ROM (the hash checksum matches that of the official ROM) and the results are the same.

    Sorry for the delay in the response, I have been somewhat busy lately.

  • Squall Leonhart

    Squall Leonhart - 2012-07-23

    can you attach battery (.sav) files from both versions

  • SatoMew

    SatoMew - 2012-08-03

    Which versions are you referring to?

  • Squall Leonhart

    Squall Leonhart - 2012-08-04

    good vs bad

  • SatoMew

    SatoMew - 2012-08-04

    Bad is already attached here. Going to attach the "better" one now.

  • SatoMew

    SatoMew - 2012-08-04

    The copy of the save file after trying it out in BGB (version 1.4).

  • Squall Leonhart

    Squall Leonhart - 2018-02-10
    • Status: open --> closed-out-of-date