
Kinect on UDK

  • Julio Vilela

    Julio Vilela - 2013-02-11

    Hello everyone,

    Couple of questions here regarding Kinect in UDK:

    Question 1
    Has anyone tried to run the Kinect sample script found in the IridiumSE folder?
    I am able to spawn a Kinect sensor in UDK using IridiumSE but it takes ages to make a scan. I left it running for 15 minutes but it would not move to the next iteration, it would stall at the first scan stage. I lowered the resolution from 480x640 to 48x64 but still no luck.

    Question 2
    Whats the easiest way to check the current readings of the Kinect through IridiumUI?
    I edited the UDKUSAR.ini config file by adding a USARActuator.KinectActuator to the P3AT robot. I can see the Robot and the Kinect when spawning through either IridiumUI or IridiumSE. But I cant seem to find any documentation on the Kinect sensor and what commands I can use to retrieve the data. The only thing I have is the sample kinect.rb file found in the IridiumSE folder. Obviously I am refering to documentation in USARSim, not third party docs from Microsoft, etc...

    Question 3
    [Follows directly from Question 2]
    Is there any documentation regarding the Kinect in UDK?
    I understand the idea of point cloud, and that Kinect should return a collection of points with x,y,z coordinates. But I cannot find any documentation on how the Kinect actually makes readings in USARSim!!! For example I would like to fine tune the field of view, range, etc... just like the range scanner.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Julio Vilela

    Julio Vilela - 2013-02-11

    Yeah so whenever I try to read out the values from the Kinect, I keep getting z =0 for all x,y. Not sure what I am doing worng!

  • Julio Vilela

    Julio Vilela - 2013-02-12

    Stephen Balakirsky proposed in another discussion thread (, to use the following command:

    SET {Type RangeImager} {OPCODE SCAN}

    To scan using the Kinect Sensor. I ran this and I can see green rays emerging from the Kinect and IridiumUI displays the values under the RangeImager field. However, when looking at the RangeImager entries after checking "Log Sensors" in IridiumUI, I read {Frames 0} {Frame 0}. What does this mean? [Please see attached screen dump] Also, I can read the readings from the RangeImager at the top [see image], are these from the Kinect, or some other sensor?

    I tried printing out the values of the scanner through IridiumSE as well but all the z coordinates come back as 0..... as before.

    The quest continues.... Please guys if I am missing something let me know! Im afraid I am using this forum as a diary, but that's the best way to explain my problems!


    Last edit: Julio Vilela 2013-02-12

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