
U++ / News: Recent posts

U++ 2070 released

* User interface for Find and Replace was significantly reworked
* Current editor line is now highlighted in the left bar.

* Support for Win32 .lnk files (GetSymLinkPath function,
FindFile::IsSymLink method) - same interface as for Posix symlinks.
* ConvertDate has new Truncate option (truncates Time to Date),
corresponding StdConvertDateTruncate global Convert added.

* SliderCtrl widget, has new Jump method.
* ArrayCtrl class has new WhenMouseMove Callback.
* EditField has new WhenEnter callback.
* TabCtrl has new NoAccept option... read more

Posted by Koldo 2010-02-15

U++ 1952 released

What is new in version 1952:

* Improved installation in Win32 with support for the latest Win32 SDK.
* Helpsystem has vastly improved searching capabilities.
* Build process now supports new link options - Posix releases now use
"gc-sections" linker option to dramatically reduce the size of resulting
binaries (up to 40%).

* File selector (FileSel class) got networking support in Win32.
* TrayIcon in X11 now supports notifications.
* TopWindow in X11 now supports SetAlphs. ... read more

Posted by Koldo 2010-01-26

U++ 1824 released

What is new in version 1824:

* XmlRpc package adds support for XML-RPC based webservices.
* LanguageInfo in Core is was completely refactored.

* Autosetup now recognizes Win32 SDK 7.0.

* GoogleTranslator: New version.
* Functions4U: New package with additional functions to complement Core and CtrlLib.
* Controls4U: New package with additional graphic controls.
* SysInfo: Improved Unicode support.

Posted by Koldo 2009-12-21

U++ 1713 released

What is new in version 1713:

* .t files are now saved with strings converted by escaping >127 characters
(and back on loading). This fixes venerable problem of UTF-8 string literals
in CJK Windows and MSC compiler.

* TreeCtrl InsertDrop now returns ids of inserted nodes.
* A new set of utility functions that simplify selecting files introduced
* HeaderCtrl columns now can have a tooltip
* SliderCtrl now allows reversed orientation (thanks avpavp!)... read more

Posted by Koldo 2009-11-25

U++ 1659 released

What is new in version 1659:

* Core: GetUtcTime
* Core: New Split variant with String delimiter
* PostgreSQL: GetInsertedId now supported for tables with primary key 'id'
* Core, CtrlLib: ConvertDate, ConvertTime now have Default method -> propagates to date/time widgets as well...
* Core: ConvertTime Min, Max
* CtrlLib: MenuBar WhenOpenSubMenu, WhenCloseSubMenu callbacks
* Sql, SqlExp: Sql::InsertNoKey(Fields) ommits first column - intended for key with autoincrement... read more

Posted by Koldo 2009-10-26

U++ 1607 released

What is new in version 1607:

* Draw: DisplayWithIcon (Display that adds an icon to any other Display)
* Draw: AttrText now has 'SetImage' (places the icon to the left of text)
* CtrlLib: DropTree widget
* Web: void AttachSocket(Socket& socket, SOCKET s, bool blocking)
* MSSQL: IdentityInsert helper (bypass of IDENTITY column insertion)
* CtrlCore: RegisterSystemHotKey (system-wide hotkey)

Posted by Koldo 2009-10-05

U++ 1579 released

What is new in version 1579:

* Core: Added support for many various 8-bit encodings
* Geom: Added new Computational Geometry algorithm: 2D convex hull
calculation (ConvexHullOrder)
* Sql: SqlExp, SqlSelect AsTable, Joins accept SqlSet
* RichText: Optimized by caching paragraph data and layout
* Draw, plugin/tif: Added GetActivePage support
* Fixed a lot of minor bugs

Posted by Koldo 2009-09-22

U++ 1517 released

U++ is BSD licensed C++ cross-platform rapid application development
suite focused on programmers productivity without sacrificing
runtime performance.

What is new in version 1517:

* Major overhaul graphics infrastructure is finished, U++ is
now capable of headless drawing operations (e.g. drawing graphics
and text into .png files in console applications, without X11)
(example:$ConsoleDraw.html)... read more

Posted by Koldo 2009-08-18

U++ 1314 released

U++ is BSD licensed C++ cross-platform rapid application development
suite focused on programmers productivity without sacrificing
runtime performance.

What is new in version 1314:

Fixed several X11/Compiz/SCIM compatibility issues

QTF: Added text-type rich object format

Added WhenMoveRow, CancelMove
Improved search results highlighting

Import directory source tree into package
Support for multiline svn commit messages
Assist++ now supports SQL schema files
FileTabs now persistent
Non-fixed pitch fonts allowed in editor (used as fixed...)

Posted by Koldo 2009-06-17

U++ 1254 released

U++ is BSD licensed C++ cross-platform rapid application development
suite focused on programmers productivity without sacrificing
runtime performance.

What is new in version 1254:


- Various improvements in SQL related stuff (SqlPerformScript,
SqlBinary enable for PGSQL)


- Highlighting of .sch and .sql files
- Find in files now has separate output console
- Select package dialog 'All' option replaced by the selection of more
understandable options, main packages now displayed bold

Posted by Koldo 2009-06-01

U++ 1205 released

U++ is BSD licensed C++ cross-platform rapid application development
suite focused on programmers productivity without sacrificing
runtime performance.

Version 1205 includes:


- New GUI multithreading architecture


- Layout designer: option to resize dialog without springs
- No more confusing switches of .lay, .iml to text mode (instead designer)
- One more redesign of code navigator
- Ctrl+Click onto symbol jumps to its definition
- Package selector now shows the nest

Posted by Koldo 2009-05-18

U++ 1124 released

- Refactored CodeNavigator, search symbol (Ctrl+Q) now copies current id search field
- Change in SetDateFilter format, cleanup in related docs
- Improved translation docs
- Added runtime check for serializing RichValue with missing Register
- Docking: CreateDockable<T> now returns type T
- mrjt's MultiList now merged into ColumnList
- TabBar: Tab Stacking and sorting added. Other changes.
- Drawing refactored

Posted by Koldo 2009-05-04

U++ 1096 released

U++ is BSD licensed C++ cross-platform rapid application development suite focused on
programmers productivity without sacrificing runtime performance. Based on strictly deterministic design it provides an alternative to GC collected platforms, even for bussines logic oriented problems.

Posted by Mirek Fidler 2009-04-26

U++ 2008.1 released

U++ 2008.1, the C++ development platform, is finally out. There is almost 200 new features in the library and TheIDE, including

- New very fast String/WString implementation
- New high performance (mostly) lock-free heap allocator,
- Improved multithreading support
- CoWork multicore loop paralelization class
- Unified Drag&Drop support
- PostgreSQL support
- Win64 support (except debugger)
- QuickTabs class
- HeaderCtrl can now move (reorganize) tabs
- ArrayCtrl automated column sorting
- Chameleon Look&feel improvements under GTK and Vista
- Topic++ documentation editor now integrated into main window
- Help integrated into TheIDE main window as well

Posted by Mirek Fidler 2008-08-06

Ultimate++ 2008.1rc2 released

Ultimate++ 2008.1rc2 was released. Ultimate++ is a radical and innovative C++ platform whose number one priority is programmer productivity. In this respect, U++ competes with popular scripting languages while preserving C/C++ runtime characteristics. Changelog :

Posted by Daniel Kos 2008-07-08

Ultimate++ 2008.1rc1 released

Ultimate++ 2008.1rc1 was released. Ultimate++ is a radical and innovative C++ platform whose number one priority is programmer productivity. In this respect, U++ competes with popular scripting languages while preserving C/C++ runtime characteristics. Changelog :

Posted by Daniel Kos 2008-06-17

Ultimate++ 2008.2beta released

Ultimate++ is a radical and innovative C++ platform whose number one priority is programmer productivity. In this respect, U++ competes with popular scripting languages while preserving C/C++ runtime characteristics. Changelog :

Posted by Daniel Kos 2008-03-24

Ultimate++ 2008.1beta released

Ultimate++ 2008.1beta was released. Ultimate++ is a radical and innovative C++ platform whose number one priority is programmer productivity. In this respect, U++ competes with popular scripting languages while preserving C/C++ runtime characteristics. Changelog :

Posted by Daniel Kos 2008-01-28

Ultimate++ 712-dev1 released

Ultimate++ 712-dev1 was released. Ultimate++ is a radical and innovative C++ platform whose number one priority is programmer productivity. In this respect, U++ competes with popular scripting languages while preserving C/C++ runtime characteristics. Changelog :

Posted by Daniel Kos 2007-12-22

Ultimate++ 711-dev2 released

Ultimate++ 711-dev2 was released. Ultimate++ is a radical and innovative C++ platform whose number one priority is programmer productivity. In this respect, U++ competes with popular scripting languages while preserving C/C++ runtime characteristics. Changelog :

Posted by Daniel Kos 2007-11-19

Ultimate++ 710-dev1 released

Ultimate++ 710-dev1 was released. Ultimate++ is a radical and innovative C++ platform whose number one priority is programmer productivity. In this respect, U++ competes with popular scripting languages while preserving C/C++ runtime characteristics. Changelog :

Posted by Daniel Kos 2007-10-09

Ultimate++ 709-dev1 released

Ultimate++ 709-dev1 was released. Ultimate++ is a radical and innovative C++ platform whose number one priority is programmer productivity. In this respect, U++ competes with popular scripting languages while preserving C/C++ runtime characteristics. Changelog :

Posted by Daniel Kos 2007-09-16

Ultimate++ 708-dev2 released

Ultimate++ 708-dev2 was released. Ultimate++ is a radical and innovative C++ platform whose number one priority is programmer productivity. In this respect, U++ competes with popular scripting languages while preserving C/C++ runtime characteristics. Changelog :

Posted by Daniel Kos 2007-08-25

Ultimate++ 708-dev1 released

Ultimate++ 708-dev1 was released. Ultimate++ is a radical and innovative C++ platform whose number one priority is programmer productivity. In this respect, U++ competes with popular scripting languages while preserving C/C++ runtime characteristics. Changelog :

Posted by Daniel Kos 2007-08-02

Ultimate++ 707-dev1 released

Ultimate++ 707-dev1 was released. Ultimate++ is a radical and innovative C++ platform whose number one priority is programmer productivity. In this respect, U++ competes with popular scripting languages while preserving C/C++ runtime characteristics. Changelog :

Posted by Daniel Kos 2007-07-13