
unixODBC-GUI-Qt / News: Recent posts

Source is now Release 2.

  • a source branch, dedicated to the Qt4 version, has been created and the trunk is now focused upon Qt5 only
  • some work has been done to prepare for UTF-16 in odbcinstQ5 (the plugin) but this will not proceed further until some internals in unixODBC are made capable
  • in the meantime it builds and works fine on latest unixODBC/Linux

Note to linux package makers. At least one of the linux distros is currently using a that is built with ODBC stats enabled while the default unixODBC does not have this turned on. In this case the plugin is not going to work due to unresolved references. The default for both should be (and is currently) to have this feature off. Send me an email if you have any questions about this. ... read more

Posted by Peter Harvey 2020-06-16


The Qt5 plugin for unixODBC is complete. Some supporting changes have been made to unixODBC-Core (to make Qt5 the default) and these should show up in binary packages soon. Meanwhile; the effort to make the remaining (optional) parts of unixODBC-GUI-Qt work from Qt5 is underway.

Posted by Peter Harvey 2018-03-30


The unixODBC "odbctest" application is the unixODBC answer to ODBCTE (the MS ODBC test application). This application allows folks to make ODBC calls via a friendly interface and to run "Auto Tests".

This application has been ported to pure Qt4 and moved into unixODBC-GUI-Qt project. This effort has resulted in more of the features being completed and some code reorganization in preparation for continued development.

Posted by Peter Harvey 2008-12-31


Now builds with qmake and GNU auto-tools methods.

Posted by Peter Harvey 2008-12-08

Initial Import

The main bits have now been imported. This code builds - but only when using the qmake method. Work has begun on getting the GNU auto tools method to work.

Posted by Peter Harvey 2008-12-08

unixODBC Getting Leaner

The folks at unixODBC have decided to focus on unixODBC-core (mostly the driver manager) and unixODBC-dev. Other bits of the project will found in a number of new projects. The first of these new projects will be unixODBC-GUI-Qt.

Work is underway to get the Qt bits of unixODBC to build and then imported into the new, source forge, project.

Posted by Peter Harvey 2008-12-08