
UniversalIndentGUI / News: Recent posts

UniversalIndentGUI Version 0.2.4 Alpha released

With this release the revision stepped beyond 100, so lets celebrate it.
Some new features are added in this release and some bugs were fixed. For the windows version all dlls have become unnecessary, so the package is a bit smaller than before. Please have a look at the changelog for details.

Posted by Thomas Schweitzer 2006-08-03

Reports and suggestions needed

Last week there was no time to continue developing UniversalIndentGUI. Now some steps ahead are needed. So I would be very thankful for any suggestions to make the project reach beta state. This means fix bugs, make it more usable by menu cleanup or more logical stepwise usage. Please use the bug report and feature request functions here at sourceforge for this.

Now raise your voice!

Posted by Thomas Schweitzer 2006-07-24

UniversalIndentGUI Version 0.2.3 Alpha released

Just a little new feature, but it might be helpful. Added possibility to edit the source code while preview is active and see how it is formatted. So that is real live ;-)

Posted by Thomas Schweitzer 2006-07-16

UniversalIndentGUI Version 0.2.2 Alpha released

This release is more an optical fresh up. Some standardized icons are used and a menu bar has been added to provide the common windows usability. Also a rudimentary support for GNU Indent is now present which can be extendend with the use of the ini file format docu.

Posted by Thomas Schweitzer 2006-07-14

Documentation of ini file fomat online

The documentation of the ini file fomat used to describe the parameters of any indenter is online. This way you can write your own ini file, perhaps using an existing uigui_*.ini file as draft, and add your favorite indenter to use it with UniversalIndentGUI. Please let me know if you wrote an ini file for a new indenter or send the file to me so I can add it to the next release.
If you have any trouble, just ask me in the forum.

Posted by Thomas Schweitzer 2006-07-13

Released Version Alpha win32 only

Previously compiled using Visual Studio 2005 Express, whereby an additional installation of a redistributable package was needed to run UniversalIndentGUI. To avoid this and not force the user to install anything, now using mingw to compile.

Posted by Thomas Schweitzer 2006-07-07

Problems with missing libraries/dlls under windows

There may occur problems running UniversalIndentGUI under windows. In order to run an application built with Visual Studio 2005 you need some librariers, which are available by installing the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package". I did'nt know this, and Microsoft makes it not very easy this way, to deploy applications.

The needed package for x86 is downloadable by the link:

Perhaps I will compile future versions using mingw gcc to get rid of this problem and not force users to install anything.... read more

Posted by Thomas Schweitzer 2006-07-07

Version 0.2.1 alpha released

Made some adds and fixes. For a changelog look at the file release details or on the home page.

Posted by Thomas Schweitzer 2006-07-04

Heureka! Version 0.2.0 Alpha released

Ole, ole! Germany wins the match against Argentina and here comes the promised Alpha-version. So it would be time for some alpha testing and comments in the forum or buglist. Soon I will put a documentation of the ini-file-format online, so anyone can write one for his favorite indenter. Or tell me and I will write it, it its not too much work.

Posted by Thomas Schweitzer 2006-06-30

Version 0.1.3 released

Small steps brings you forward... Have a look at the changelog to see whats new. Then download it and leave me a note if you want to. I like to read!! ;-)

Posted by Thomas Schweitzer 2006-06-30

Release of 0.1.2 but still preAlpha

Release of 0.1.2 but still preAlpha

Ok I am a liar. This is the next release and it is still preAlpha instead of alpha. It is due to lack of time. There are no big feature changes but the technic (format of theini file) is developing. But I wanted to release at least these minor changes to the publicity. Test it!

Posted by Thomas Schweitzer 2006-06-23

Next Release will be alpha state

The planning for a flexible, universal ini file for each indenter is mostly done. The implementation will follow and along with it an ini file for AStyle. With this step the project state will change from preAlpha to Alpha. Release might come this week.

Posted by Thomas Schweitzer 2006-06-19

Win32 now includes Qt4 dlls

Since I was unsure, if I was allowed to include the needed Qt4 dlls, I left them out. Now cleared that and all needed files are included. Hav fun ;-)

Posted by Thomas Schweitzer 2006-06-12

Release 0.1.1 Linux, Windows and source. Fixed download

Had some trouble with the upload. Now files are really ready for download. Enjoy!

Posted by Thomas Schweitzer 2006-06-08

New release for win32, linux32 with source

The pre alpha version 0.1.1 has been released. Read the readme.txt or here under docs for info.

Posted by Thomas Schweitzer 2006-06-07

Website is online

The UniversalIndentGUI website has gone online. You can reach it by te homepage link of the project or diretly under

Posted by Thomas Schweitzer 2006-06-05

First release of UniversalIndentGUI

A first version of the UniversalIndentGUI for win32 has been released. Give it a try and if you want, useful comments. Remember this is a very, very pre release and will undergo many changes ;-)

Posted by Thomas Schweitzer 2006-06-02

Startup of UniversalIndentGUI

Soon here will be more activity and also a first version and documentation of my tool. From now on it supports only the indenter GreatCode, which I have only compiled for Windows. So there has to be done some work to make all more flexible for more indenters and beautifiers. Stay tuned for upcoming code, news and so on...

Posted by Thomas Schweitzer 2006-05-20