
Welcome to What do you want Ultimix to be

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Welcome to What do you want Ultimix to be

    • Edwin

      Edwin - 2007-12-04


      I would like to see Ultumix be:

      1)  A multimedia desktop OS with lots of games and cool Linux applications to try out.

      2)  Just like v. is right now but pollished up boot screen.

      3)  An OS that windows users will want to sink their teeth in and never go back to windows again. Because there would be no need to.

      4)  More user accounts like "Owner" account, to log in to that is all set up for a specific need. ex. kids, preacher, collage, business, owner, server administrator, and as always --- root.

      5)  A 690 MB live cd with older computers or servers with a light-weight windows manager --- XFCE --- taylor made for computers with low memory and cpus. ex. 256-MB ram, 500-MHz P-III. and cdrw

      6)  Grow a user community base that could be a full-time support for the creator (powered be Jesus Christ) and his friends. ex Granular Linux user community --- check out their forum base!!!

      7)  Have online church with a full-time IT Christian paster with services 3 times a week!!! yes --- I am serious :)

      Thank you for the open forum on this subject,

      edwinstarr ---

      I can not wait for 2008v. Final, can not get Pre-Release 1 to work. Creator, please post when the next pr is cooked. Thanks again.

      • Justin Breithaupt

        Great Idea. I thought about the different user accounts too. Then I thought about how it might just confuse people. Thats why I think it would be better to just make separate versions.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-02-27

    First of all I would like to congratulate you for a successful Ultimate OS :) and secondly thank you for your great contribution.

    Well its a mobile world and I hope this OS will run on ARM Processors too.. in the near future!

    Best of luck! cheers!

  • Justin Breithaupt

    Thanks. I hope you enjoy the newest JULinux


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