
windows n00b questions

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    great os!!
    1. how do i remote desktop to it? just vnc?
    2. How do change and switch to multiple desktops?
    3. How do i access/unc to a windows share?
    4. how do i get the vista aero glass theme to work?
    5. Is there a Mac OS skin/theme?
    6. does vmware work as Ultumix being the host?
    7. I see a few dvd copier programs installed, which is the best to just copy on the fly to a DVD, ripping it similar to Clone DVD?

    Great work on sticking it to the man!!!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      great os!!
      1. how do i remote desktop to it? just vnc?

      Yes it uses VNC. There is an application under Internet that says Desktop Sharing. You can also look for more apps in the Add / Remove Programs on the Desktop.

      2. How do change and switch to multiple desktops?

      In 3D mode you can do this. Go to start, Settings, Enable 3D mode. If it crashes you don't have the right video driver installed.

      3. How do i access/vnc to a windows share?

      Good question. There are several programs for this but If I want to run Windows inside Linux I just install it in VMware-Server for free.

      4. how do i get the vista aero glass theme to work?

      It's not called Vista Aero Glass Theme. It's called Compiz Fusion. > Start > Settings > Enable 3D Desktop

      5. Is there a Mac OS skin/theme?

      Yes and I've made them in the past but I didn't include it. I guess I need to work on that.

      6. does vmware work as Ultumix being the host?


      7. I see a few dvd copier programs installed, which is the best to just copy on the fly to a DVD, ripping it similar to Clone DVD?

      Burning and copying K3B
      Ripping CDs soundKonverter
      Ripping DVDs AcidRip DVD

      Great work on sticking it to the man!!!

      Thanks. Check out all my youtube Videos. search for usacomputertec

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Nearly got all the answers i need to use this, very smooth linux OS.

      2. How do change and switch to multiple desktops? 

      In 3D mode you can do this. Go to start, Settings, Enable 3D mode. If it crashes you don't have the right video driver installed.

      ???Done that no crash but how do i scroll and rotate to the different desktops, other linux os have a desktop button in the botton left.

      4. how do i get the vista aero glass theme to work? 

      It's not called Vista Aero Glass Theme. It's called Compiz Fusion. > Start > Settings > Enable 3D Desktop

      ???Could not find this theme, do i need to DL this one?

      6. does vmware work as Ultumix being the host? 


      ???I am only running Ultumix as a VM ATM, any tips on what sort of Linux machine we should be running this as in VMware (XP Host).  i am running it as Linux- Ubuntu and it is fine.

      ???When i go to Add Remove programs, it asks for a root pwd?  It is not the one i set on install, i tried root, password.

      Thanks for your help..

      • Justin Breithaupt

        Nearly got all the answers i need to use this, very smooth linux OS.

        ???Done that no crash but how do i scroll and rotate to the different desktops, other linux os have a desktop button in the botton left.

        use the wheel on your mouse by putting it over the desktop and holding the button in or use Ctrl + Alt and left click on the screen to move it.

        4. how do i get the vista aero glass theme to work? 

        It's not called Vista Aero Glass Theme. It's called Compiz Fusion. > Start > Settings > Enable 3D Desktop 

        ???Could not find this theme, do i need to DL this one? 

        NO! Windows Aero is Vista's 3D Desktop. Compiz Fusion is GNU/Linux's 3D desktop. Understand?

        6. does vmware work as Ultumix being the host? 


        ???I am only running Ultumix as a VM ATM, any tips on what sort of Linux machine we should be running this as in VMware (XP Host). i am running it as Linux- Ubuntu and it is fine.

        Ubuntu is what you should use.

        ???When i go to Add Remove programs, it asks for a root pwd? It is not the one i set on install, i tried root, password.

        The password is owner. However if and only if you actually put your root password in a command line or in the CUPS printing server it's root.

        Thanks for your help..

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      i cant get the multi desktop thing to work so maybe i dont have the right driver, or maybe it cant be done in vmware. 
      what vmware tools do i install? i tried the ubantu ones but they didnt install.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        It probably already has the drivers for Ubuntu installed. However in order to install the Ubuntu VMware tools you will need to open the CD drive in Ultumix because that is where it puts VMWare tools just as if you stuck a driver CD in when you tell it to install VMware tools. Then all you have to do is install them. As far as your multi boot I don't know where it went wrong. I never have a problem

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      what about running ultumix and trying to map a drive to windwos xp ntfs, and viceversa?  can that be done?
      Also i installed MS Office 2003 and it said it was a success, but i cant find it, where would it install it to?
      Answered above Remote desktop does not work to the ultumix box only VNC, but is there a way that from the ultumix box i can remote desktop to a windows box?
      Has anyone tried to run the citrix web client in firefox/IE6 on ultumix does that work?
      No doubt this is a great OS but how could i trust this home made OS to do my internet banking?  A browser with the padlock icon is one thing but how would one know what is going on in the background?  Is there any certification against these kinds of nasty's?

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        First of all the only way I ever have sucessfully installed 2003 Office is by doing one of the following:
        Paying Cross Over Linux $40.00 (I just used the trial)
        Or install XP in Linux using VMWare-Server or Virtual Box.

        Second of all as far as security goes there is one way to be sure that you are secure every time.
        Click Tools, Clear Private Data, Check everything and click clear all private data now.
        This purges the system of anything that may be tracking you. To be honest I don't do Internet banking because I find it's easier to walk into my local bank and talk to them and I like talking to a person I know and trust. :)

        This is not a home made Operating System. There are 32,000,000 programmers that designed the GNU/Linux system. I simply added a more Windows user friendly interface and made it easier for Windows users to play with it and called it Ultumix GNU/Linux so you can say it's a home made distro but not a home made OS. Several companies such as IBM, DELL, AT&T, and others have contributed to making GNU/Linux what it is today.

        I can't answer all of your questions but thats why there are 32,000,000 other people out there that know what I don't. I'm not that different than you in that I know what I want but I know how to make what I want into a reality because of years of college and studding Computers.

        If you want better faster answers to your questions go to and search for anything your heart desires and if your asking it chances are someone else out there has too. You will also need to know that Linux Mint and Ubuntu are very closely related to this system and often the instructions will be the same. I can only show you the door. Your the one who has to enter threw it. Knowledge is power.

        Your trying to run software I've never heard of before. The thing is that with over 20,000 free programs available for Ultumix why do I need to use any comercial applications? SO that I can tell you how to use the comercial applications? NO. What I can do is ask you what your application does and then tell you what GNU/Linux program to use to do the same thing for free. Thats freedom!

        If anyone else in here has the answer please reply.


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