
Ultradefrag 6.0.3 doesn't create all config files

  • Tomcat76

    Tomcat76 - 2014-10-22

    Hello. Just wanted to inform that version 6.0.3 does not create giuopts.lua and udreport.lua upon installation. Only guiopts-internals.lua is created. As a result, trying to configure UltraDefrag from the GUI gives an error message (can't find file).

    I have uninstalled 6.0.3 and installed 6.0.2. All is fine there.

    System: Windows 7 x86 Dutch.
    UltraDefrag 6.0.3 (and later 6.0.2) installed with administrative priviledges and with Dutch locale.

    Can anyone confirm this?

  • Dmitri Arkhangelski


    I'd like to fix it, but everything works fine on my test machines.

    The configuration files creation process is pretty straightforward. You should either see some error messages or get 'em both created.

    1). The installer invokes the following commands:

    '"$INSTDIR\lua5.1a_gui.exe" "$INSTDIR\scripts\upgrade-rptopts.lua" "$INSTDIR"'
    '"$INSTDIR\lua5.1a_gui.exe" "$INSTDIR\scripts\upgrade-guiopts.lua" "$INSTDIR"'

    2). upgrade-guiopts.lua script contains something like:

    current_version = 115
    if version < current_version then
    -- save default config file on disk

    If no configuration file exist before the installation, version is equal to zero, so 'version < current_version' statement is true and configuration file save happens.

    3). Similar stuff is included in upgrade-rptopts.lua file.


    Last edit: Dmitri Arkhangelski 2014-10-22
  • Tomcat76

    Tomcat76 - 2014-10-24


    Thanks for your reply and sorry for the delay. I did some tests and here are my conclusions so far.

    I installed UltraDefrag 6.0.3 with the same options and language on a system running Windows XP Professional x86 Dutch. All is fine there.

    Next, on the problem machine (Windows 7 Enterprise x86 Dutch), I uninstalled UltraDefrag 6.0.2 and installed version 6.0.3. Problem with .lua files was there again (giuopts.lua and udreportopts.lua are not created).

    Next, I uninstalled UltraDefrag, disabled realtime protection in Microsoft Security Essentials, and reinstalled 6.0.3. Same problem.

    Next, I uninstalled UD, and reinstalled it but this time with "full" options and leaving the language set to English US. Same problem.

    Next, I uninstalled UD, and reinstalled it but set the install folder to my Desktop instead of Program Files. Same problem.

    Finally, I uninstalled UD, then reinstalled version 6.0.2. The two .lua files are created. Then I installed UD 6.0.3 (overwriting 6.0.2). The two .lua files are there, but they have not been updated.

    I will do some more tests later on (including disabling UAC). Do you have any more suggestions?

  • Tomcat76

    Tomcat76 - 2014-10-24

    I have some more information. I think we're getting closer.

    Disabling UAC didn't help.

    I then tried running the command you mentioned above from a CMD prompt with administrative priviledges, after installation of UD 6.0.3. This is the command I used:

    "C:\Program Files\UltraDefrag\lua5.1a_gui.exe" "C:\Program Files\UltraDefrag\scripts\upgrade-guiopts.lua" "C:\Program Files\UltraDefrag"

    Immediately, an error message displayed in a dialog box saying that the file "is not a valid Win32 application"

    Then I tried the executable without "_gui" in the file name:

    "C:\Program Files\UltraDefrag\lua5.1a.exe" "C:\Program Files\UltraDefrag\scripts\upgrade-guiopts.lua" "C:\Program Files\UltraDefrag"

    This was successful.

    In the next test, I reinstalled UD 6.0.3, then extracted the downloaded installer for UD 6.0.2 with 7-zip, and copied the older lua5.1a_gui.exe into C:\Program Files\UltraDefrag. Then I ran the CMD command again, and this was successful too.

    So this means that my Windows 7 installation doesn't like the new lua5.1a_gui.exe.

  • Dmitri Arkhangelski


    Thanks for your feedback, now we have full information upon the subject. I'm pretty shocked by the fact that the file isn't a valid Win32 application on your Windows 7, but I'll try to do my best to find out what's wrong with it.

    BTW, are you sure no files are infected/damaged by viruses?

  • Dmitri Arkhangelski

    I have compared both files and surprisingly found that they're different - the older one contains so called manifest while the newer one misses it. As soon as I'll find a way to fix it, I'll make the 6.0.4 release.

  • Dmitri Arkhangelski

    Due to some reason the program has been compiled improperly last time, so I will simply recompile it again, check for the binary files correctness and make 6.0.4 update tomorrow.

  • Tomcat76

    Tomcat76 - 2014-10-25

    One can never be sure a system is 100% clean, but I'll install some additional programs to test for viruses and malware.

    If you want, I'm willing to test a release candidate for 6.0.4.

  • Tomcat76

    Tomcat76 - 2014-10-25

    I see 6.0.4 has been released.

    I don't have the above two computers available at the moment, but I did some testing on a computer running Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit Dutch.

    Installation of UD 6.0.3 fails to create the configuration files;
    Executing the CMD command manually gives an error inside the CMD window: "Cannot execute the specified program";
    Simply double-clicking on the lua5.1a_gui.exe file gives the error: "The handle is invalid";

    So, there is also a problem on Windows Vista 32-bit.

    UltraDefrag 6.0.4, on the other hand, seems to have fixed the problem with configuration files on the Vista 32-bit computer. I still need to try it on the Windows 7 computer but I think it will be OK.

    I have also tested this on my own computer now, running Windows XP Pro 32-bit English. The problem doesn't exist there (both 6.0.3 and 6.0.4 install fine).

  • Tomcat76

    Tomcat76 - 2014-10-25

    OK. All fine on Windows 7 32-bit as well, using UltraDefrag 6.0.4.

    Thanks :-)


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