
Full Optimisation script

  • Udef

    Udef - 2014-02-06

    Hello !

    New user to ultradefrag, this software looks powerful but I'd like to use it during boot to optimize my defrags even more.

    I went through the wiki but by knowledge doesn't permit me to create the command script to do a full optimization (MFT and the best this program can offer).

    I'd love if someone could give me the magic line :)

    thanks !

  • Stefan Pendl

    Stefan Pendl - 2014-02-06

    The following is the default boot time script shipping with UD edited to do a full optimization.

    @echo off
    ;                UltraDefrag Boot Time Shell Script
    ;set UD_IN_FILTER=*windows*;*winnt*;*ntuser*;*pagefile.sys;*hiberfil.sys
    ;set UD_EX_FILTER=*temp*;*tmp*;*dllcache*;*ServicePackFiles*
    ; to exclude archives too uncomment the follwing lines
    ; set UD_EX_FILTER=%UD_EX_FILTER%;*.7z;*.7z.*;*.arj;*.bz2;*.bzip2;*.cab;*.cpio
    ; set UD_EX_FILTER=%UD_EX_FILTER%;*.deb;*.dmg;*.gz;*.gzip;*.lha;*.lzh;*.lzma
    ; set UD_EX_FILTER=%UD_EX_FILTER%;*.rar;*.rpm;*.swm;*.tar;*.taz;*.tbz;*.tbz2
    ; set UD_EX_FILTER=%UD_EX_FILTER%;*.tgz;*.tpz;*.txz;*.xar;*.xz;*.z;*.zip
    ; uncomment the following line to create debugging output
    ; uncomment the following line to save debugging information to a log file
    ; set UD_LOG_FILE_PATH=%UD_INSTALL_DIR%\Logs\defrag_native.log
    udefrag -o %SystemDrive%


  • Udef

    Udef - 2014-02-06

    Thank you very much for your help.

    After digging in the forum shouldn't there be :

    --optimize-mft ?

    Thanks again

  • Stefan Pendl

    Stefan Pendl - 2014-02-08 is the help file, which is also shipping with the installer as documentation.

    The section about the console interface lists all command line switches and their purpose.

    The FAQ section contains information about how to optimize with v5 mode in v6.

    Hope this helps.


  • Udef

    Udef - 2014-02-08

    I have gone through the help and command line usage and also through forum.
    I am asking for help because I have been through all that and am having a hard time joining all those parts together...
    If you do not want to answer ma previous question (which obviously shows that I have done some reaserch) be it !
    This is taking way too much time than I am willing to put in, just to use a defragmenter especially when there are many very good tools out there that do the same job for less hassle.
    I'll pass my way !

  • Stefan Pendl

    Stefan Pendl - 2014-02-08

    From the console section:

        Optimize the MFT by placing its fragments as close to each
        other as possible.
        This is also included in full and quick optimization.

    So you don't need that switch, which is already included in the -o switch.

    From the FAQ section:

    How can I optimize similar to v5.x.x in v6.x.x?
    Starting with version 6.0.0 the optimization no longer ignores
    In addition there is a new filter added that skips files of a
    specified size when running optimization.
    To get a similar behavior of v5 in v6, you need to
    disable/unset all filters and set the variable
    UD_OPTIMIZER_FILE_SIZE_THRESHOLD for the boot time and console
    interfaces respectively the setting
    optimizer_file_size_threshold for the GUI to 15 EB.

    So you can set that variable to ignore any file size filter at all.

    BTW, you only mentioned going through the wiki, so I pointed you to the documentation.

    Do what ever you want, but don't tell me that I didn't want to help you.



    Last edit: Stefan Pendl 2014-02-09
  • Udef

    Udef - 2014-02-08
    • Understood for MFT
    • I never used version 5, I don't know what it refers to but in Console/boot set UD_OPTIMIZER_FILE_SIZE_THRESHOLD to what value if 20MB is default ? Will processing all files whatever the size be that usefull?
  • Stefan Pendl

    Stefan Pendl - 2014-02-09
        For optimization, exclude all files larger than the
        specified size.

    The wording is different from what is written in the docs, but it is the same meaning.
    I will change the docs, so the description uses the same wording as the other filters.

    You can set it to any size you see fit, since it highly depends on your environment.

    Generally anything above 64MB wouldn't impact the systems performance, since most of the system file sizes are far below the 20MB limit.

    A setting of 1TB would allow to not ignore any files on disk, since there is seldom a file that huge.



    Last edit: Stefan Pendl 2014-02-09
  • Udef

    Udef - 2014-02-09

    If I don't mention UD_OPTIMIZER_FILE_SIZE_THRESHOLD in the script the default is 20 MB ?
    If UD_OPTIMIZER_FILE_SIZE_THRESHOLD in command line (boot) is set to 15EB, it processes all files whatever the size in command line ?


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