
#151 Cluster map overflows

Interface (33)

The cluster size for each block in the cluster map is rounded down instead of up, causing large numbers of blocks to fall below the actual visible part of the cluster map pane.


  • Zom-B

    Zom-B - 2011-11-29

    Make that 'calculated wrong' instead of 'rounded wrong'. After changing the block size to 7, large portions of 'phantom' clusters are seen at the bottom, which is all blue.

  • Zom-B

    Zom-B - 2011-11-29

    animation of resizing window

  • Zom-B

    Zom-B - 2011-11-29

    Another strange thing happened to me. I started it normally, continued to defrag D:\ and the blocks were rectangular, very wide! After just closing and starting and defragging D:\ again, it was normal again. See attachment 2.

  • Zom-B

    Zom-B - 2011-11-29

    weird wide blocks

  • Stefan Pendl

    Stefan Pendl - 2011-11-29

    It is known that the last block on the cluster map contains more clusters than the other block in certain circumstances.
    This is also mentioned in the help/handbook.

    Your other observations will need further investigation.

    Would you mind activating the debug log as described in the help to allow a better insight of the problem?


  • Zom-B

    Zom-B - 2011-11-30

    I did acctivate the debug log (see other bug) but i only see things l related to defragmenting, nothing regarding gui.

  • Zom-B

    Zom-B - 2011-12-01

    It also gives completely different results if I decrease the block size and increase the grid line width with the same amount, even though exactly the same amount of blocks are visible at any time.

  • Zom-B

    Zom-B - 2011-12-01

    Ah, that's because it seems to add one border more than the number of blocks on a row. This causes the number of blocks on a row to decrease by 1. I didn't expect this kind of asymmetry

  • Stefan Pendl

    Stefan Pendl - 2012-01-31

    This should now be fixed with release 5.0.2 by rounding the clusters per map blocks up and marking excess map blocks as unused.


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