
UKnow4Kids Educational Linux Distro / News: Recent posts

Schwag available!

The UKnow4Kids Schwag Store is open for business on Zazzle. T-shirts- coffee mugs, mousepads, and more! Proceeds from sales go to recouping UKnow4Kids expenses (mostly hosting), and any surplus money goes to the GCompris educational project.

Posted by intelligo 2010-02-25

Version 2010.1.1 released and site updated

On February 17, I uploaded to SourceForge version 2010.1.1 of the UKnow4Kids ISO with the new Arch Linux core. Enjoy! I have also updated the website and added screenshots. Some time in 1Q 2010 I hope to also release a USB image for those who like to boot from a USB key.

Posted by intelligo 2010-02-25