
uIrcBot / News: Recent posts

cvs online

now, you can get the latest source code from the cvs.
browse it to see the new things wich aren't packed to a release yet.

at the moment the cvs contains:
- new socket functions (upd, non-blocking sockets)
- half life protocol (to query a half life server and get information from it)

note: these parts are in development and might not be compileable.

Posted by entelechie 2004-05-26

Logging Lib added

I have added a new Lib for Debug Logging.
you'll find it in the Package Irc and Socket Lib.
look at the little testprogram for using.

Posted by entelechie 2004-05-23

New Project IrcBot++

with some other developers i have created a new project:

we will mix the two projects
(a irc bot written in c).

IrcBot++ will be written in c++ and take over the
modular concept from the shockwave bot.

Posted by entelechie 2004-04-20

Irc and Socket lib Version 0.22

The irc-lib parsing-algorithm has got a face-lifting :)...
the "Mode" and "Kick" commands will be parsed by the lib.

the irc-lib is implemented with the publisher-subscriber pattern. now, many classes can "watch" the irc.

Posted by entelechie 2004-03-21

alpha-status for the irclib

the irc lib can now parse the basic irc commands.
the files IrcWBot.h/.cpp shows you how the lib can be
used to write your own irc-bot.
per default the IrcWBot logs all irc-events to a
log file.

the source package also contains a stable and portable socket lib (at the moment only for the

Posted by entelechie 2004-03-06

first release

the bot can parse irc messages and fire events (OnJoin, OnQuit,....).

Posted by entelechie 2004-02-07