
#366 Changes to color temperature throws an error message


When I try to adjust color temperature, the color temperature changes, but I get this error message: "Image: ChannelMultipliers: Value 0.000 too small, truncated to 0.010." If I enter a number in the box, I get the same message, but the color temperature does change. I am compiling on slackware 14.1, which is new to me; previously there were no problems. gcc --version = gcc (GCC) 4.8.2


  • Nils Philippsen

    Nils Philippsen - 2014-04-29

    I had the same issue with raw files from several Sony Alphas (100, 700, 99). I noticed it after I built ufraw based off the current development code for Fedora (needed for camera white balance to work with the A99).

    Apparently, since dcraw 9.20 (1.459) was integrated on Jan 17, this made ufraw_set_wb() take a lesser-(or never-)used code path which didn't initialize chanMulArray to the identity matrix and later trip over the last multiplicator being zero. I guess it's this chunk in the patch that's to blame for triggering the issue (setting raw_color to 0):

    @@ -8749,6 +8801,14 @@ konica_400z:
    +  if ((use_camera_matrix & (use_camera_wb || dng_version))
    +       && cmatrix[0][0] > 0.125) {
    +    memcpy (rgb_cam, cmatrix, sizeof cmatrix);
    +    raw_color = 0;
    +  }
    +  if (raw_color) adobe_coeff (make, model);
    +  if (load_raw == &CLASS kodak_radc_load_raw)
    +    if (raw_color) adobe_coeff ("Apple","Quicktake");
       if (fuji_width) {
         fuji_width = width >> !fuji_layout;
         if (~fuji_width & 1) filters = 0x49494949;
    @@ -8872,7 +8932,7 @@ void CLASS apply_profile (const char *input, const char *output)

    I've attached a patch that fixes the issue for me. I'll also build a Fedora package with it.

  • Nils Philippsen

    Nils Philippsen - 2014-04-30

    The Fedora update containing the patch can be found here, it doesn't mention the issue because it was only introduced with the previous testing update rebasing ufraw to the current CVS version.

  • john_k_h

    john_k_h - 2014-05-14

    Nils: I just saw your patch and applied it. :-) Thanks! Problem fixed.


  • Niels Kristian Bech Jensen

    Thanks for the patch and for testing it. I have commited the patch to the cvs repository and will close this bug as fixed.

    Niels Kristian

  • Niels Kristian Bech Jensen

    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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