
Dungeon Craft / News: Recent posts

Getting started with Dungeon Craft:

If you're a player and want to see what the engine looks like, check out the Tutorial design.

If you're a designer, you need the engine, editor and editor package (this contains additional resources needed to create designs).

To see how DC all works together, check out the extremely informative graphic Paul made "FolderStructure.gif".

All of the tiles available here in the download section.

Posted by manikus 2014-09-23

Version 1.00 is out!

Here you go. :)

Special thanks to Paul for all fo the hardwork he has put in all these years. We literally could not have done it without him.
Special thanks to Richard Turner for starting this project and putting so much into it.
Thanks to everyone who has helped out in all of your various capacities.

Adding fioles here likely tomorrow - server being slow rignt now, either there or on my end.

Posted by manikus 2014-09-23 Labels: version 1.00

Version 1.0 is coming!

After more than 14 years, Dungeon Craft (formerly known as UAForever) is finally reaching version 1.0
When? The release will be Septermber 23rd, 2014. The files will be added here of course, but also through Paul R. Stevens DC archive with announcements and discussion occurring at the Reonis forums - (links will be provided to Paul's site there).

Posted by manikus 2014-08-28

Contest Winning Design Updated!

The contest winning design, 'The Mystery of Filos' has been updated. This version fixes several bugs with game mechanics and is a much better play than the other version.

All fixes are by the design author and should have been included initially, but weren't due to a snafu made by yours truly.

Make sure and download this game again, it's well worth the extra 2 minutes of your life needed to download. ;)

Posted by manikus 2009-10-18

Design Contest Winner Annoncement

Attention! Attention!

Announcing the winner of the first Dungeon Craft Design Contest - The Mystery of Filos by Jadefang.

You can download it right now from or

You do not need the editor to play this design, just download the zip archive and the Dungeon Craft Runtime engine (UAFWin.exe) and place the file in the folder you unzip from the archive. If you already have downloaded the Dungeon Craft Editor, you only need install the archive.
The UAFWin.exe can be found at: read more

Posted by manikus 2009-10-17


The Ironworks forum is down pending some new hardware for the server. There is no estimated time for it to return (last time it was a week or two).

This is an opportune time for everyone to visit my forums. :) There are 5 sub-forums available to all to discuss Dungeon Craft and Dungeons and Dragons.

There are also two private sub-forums: one for The City project and one for the new "Greyhawk Users Group" for DC enthusiasts who want to set their designs in the Greyhawk setting. read more

Posted by manikus 2009-08-12

DC goes multi-platform

In an ongoing effort to use all or my favorite programs in Linux, I have of course experimented with DC.

DC will not run natively in Linux, but through use of WINE I thought it might be possible. So, I eagerly imported Dungeon Craft, started it up and found that the editor had opened and even worked but had major graphics issues and that the engine wouldn't start at all, so I wouldn't be able to play or test any designs.... read more

Posted by manikus 2009-06-17

Troubleshooting Dungeon Craft in Vista

Attention Vista users!

Install Dungeon Craft in a place other than the "Program Files" directory. For example, instead of using the default path of C:\\Program Riles\Dungeon Craft, try something else like C:\\DungeonCraft.

If already installed it is a matter of changing your config.txt file so that it is pointing in the proper path to launch the DC editor and engine. The lines to edit are at the beginning of the config file, right after the initial comments.

Posted by manikus 2009-05-23

New Galleries of Default Art

Check out the new Dungeon Craft galleries! Most of the 640x480 resolution art has been uploaded and the rest will soon follow.

As time permits, non-resolution specific art and art from the other resolutions will be added.

What does the gallery have to offer? There is official art that is for the as yet unreleased version .915. It's also an easy way to grab a specific piece of art instead of downloading a whole package. And last, but certainly not least, you can rate the art so the DC team can get some much needed feedback..... read more

Posted by manikus 2009-03-27

DC Art 1024 Updated

An updated version of DC Art 1024 isntaller has been uploaded. The files will now be installed by default to the same default directory as the base Dungeon Craft package.

Posted by manikus 2009-03-21

Help with Dungeon Craft Quality Assurance

In an effort to improve the quality and playability of Dungeon Craft, I'm looking for users who will help the developers with quality assurance.

The purpose of DC quality assurance is to find and fix the errors in the various databases. In both the original databases and in my additions there are numerous unintended errors as well as various playability issues that arise with the particular database and it's interaction with the engine, i.e. things don't always work the way we think they do. We also need people to help us test the fixes for the various bugs to make sure that we did indeed fix the bug.... read more

Posted by manikus 2008-10-26

Forming Dungeon Craft Quality Assurance Committee

This is an open call to the Dungeon Craft community.

In an effort to improve the quality and playability of Dungeon Craft, I'm forming a committee of users who will help the developers.

Let me start by saying thank you to the developers for the wonderful job that they have done. This committee is not intended to quality check the actual coding that makes DC wonderful (though we always appreciate any feedback and bug reports).... read more

Posted by manikus 2008-10-11

DC Art Base 800x600 Resolution

For those interested in working in the 800x600 resolution, there is now an add-on pack for Dungeon Craft that contains all of the default art sized for this resolution.
Find it in the Downloads section for this project at SourceForge as DC_Art_800 release 0.914.

Posted by manikus 2008-08-05

DC art base 1024 version .914a

This is a major update for the DC art base 1024. The installation path has been updated in the installer to reflect DC 0.914 and 20 new small pictures have been added. Download this over the top of version .914 (was called ''), or you can install this new, as the contents of the first DC art base 1024 are included.

Posted by manikus 2008-06-19

Dungeon Craft Design contest!

We're having an official Dungeon Craft 'themed' design contest. The winning design will be included in the default package as the official Dungeon Craft design.
The theme for the design contest is "A Village in the Woods". Interpret this as you feel is appropriate.

The rules are pretty straight-forward.
1. Must use default art, but may add your own art as needed.
2. Resolution for the design must be 640x480, which is the default resolution for Dungeon Craft.
3. Must be a fantasy setting. You may choose to set it in the Forgotten Realms (a Dungeons & Dragons world), but you aren't required to do so.
4. Must make use of at least one of each of the following events, in whatever form the author thinks is applicable: text statement, shop, temple, transfer (stairs, teleporter, or transfer module), combat, encounter, logic block, tavern, who tries, who pays, training hall, vault, special item, question list, and question yes/no.
5. Don't be offensive, we would like this to be playable for ages 13 and up.
6. Artwork used that is not part of the default art base must be original or explicitly allowed for use. In this case, explicit means that you either have personal permission from the artist, or a published statement that says the art may be used, eg. art released under GPL. Just finding some art on a website is not good enough. This is for the official DC design, so we don't want any future issues over copyright.
7. Maximum size for the design is 4 MB (zipped). Tip: use .png format for graphics for the smallest size and avoid using .mp3s.... read more

Posted by manikus 2008-04-03

New Release!!!!

Finally! Dungeon Craft version 0.914 is available for download. This much awaited updated contains many changes and fixes which will enhance gameplay.

PLEASE read the release notes before downloading.


Posted by Tarlanon 2007-10-27

DC art base 1024 NPC add-on version 1.1

There is a new version up that has a different prt_shopkeep1.png file to fix an issue with her wardrobe. It is a completely new portrait using the same gal with different hair and clothes.

Posted by manikus 2007-09-18

DC art base 1024 NPC add-on

I've just made available the latest art pack for the 1024x768 resolution. This release includes 8 portraits of NPCs to use in your adventures. They include a barkeep, a city official, a priest, a sage, a trainer, a smith and a couple of shopkeepers.

Posted by manikus 2007-09-01

DC themed design contest

Hey folks, we're going to have an official DC themed design contest. The winning design will be included in the default package as the official Dungeon Craft design.
The rules are pretty straight-forward.
1. Must use default art, but may add your own art as needed (that would be the themed part)
2. Must be in a fantasy setting. You may choose to set it in a Dungeons & Dragons world, but you don't have to.
3. Must make use of at least one of each of the following events, in whatever form the author thinks is applicable: text statement, shop, temple, transfer (stairs, teleporter, or transfer module), combat, encounter, logic block, tavern, who tries, who pays, training hall, vault, special item, question list, question yes/no...
[at least one of each type would be ideal :D but not required, though you will find that they all easily fit in most adventures]
4. Anyone may enter, but if you enter, you may not judge the competition. (I believe head judge will be Tarlanon)
5. Don't be offensive, ideally we would like this to be playable for ages 13 and up.... read more

Posted by manikus 2007-08-26

Dungeon Craft Wiki

I have enabled the Wiki feature. It has the contents of the 'other' DC Wiki that noone uses. I hope this will help people here, where there is more usage.

Currently it's set so that everyone can view it, but only team members can update it. So, if you have questions, email manikus - please make sure that DC or Dungeon Craft is in your subject line.

Posted by manikus 2007-08-10

Art Contest #2 winners announced - download available

Let's give a big round of applause to the winners for the DC Media contest #2! Winning entries belong to Dinonykos, Telwyn, Sigrid Elias and manikus.

If you would like to download these awesome files, check out the
download in the DC_Art_Addons package. The file you'll want to download is called

There are icons, small pics, walls, backdrops, combat dungeon art, combat wilderness, item animation, big pic and midi file.... read more

Posted by manikus 2007-08-04

DC Art Add-ons

Check out the in the DC Art Add-ons to get 50 icons for your player characters. All default races, classes and genders are represented. To use please read the enclosed PC_icons.txt file.

Posted by manikus 2007-07-17

DC art templates version

DC art templates version is now available. It contains graphics templates for the major file types for both 640 and 1024 resolutions.

Posted by manikus 2007-06-24

Steve McDonald's DC art site now hosted

We are now hosting Steve McDonald's Dungeon Craft art site. Check it out for lots of great artwork for all graphics types at the 640x480 resolution.

Posted by manikus 2007-06-22

Dungeon Craft web site updated

The official Dungeon Craft website has been updated to give it a new look and streamline it. The DC logo now matches the new title images. The links page has been updated as well.

Posted by manikus 2007-06-18