
TV-Viewer / News: Recent posts

Tv-Viewer bugfix release

Today we releases a bugfix release which fixes many problems introduced in version 0.8.1 but there are also new features. More Informations are available on your homepage

Posted by Christian Rapp 2010-05-12

TV-Viewer 0.8.1a1 released

After two months of hard development I am releasing version 0.8.1a1 for public use. Although this version is declared as beta it should work quite stable. See the homepage for more details about the new release.


Posted by Christian Rapp 2009-06-04

Roll out of TV-Viewer 0.8b1

TV-Viewer 0.8 has reached beta status. All features that were missing in the last alpha release have been implemented.
I encourage everyone to test this beta release because the next stable is coming soon.

Enjoy the new release.

Posted by Christian Rapp 2009-03-24

TV-Viewer 0.8a3 released.

This is the third alpha release of the 0.8.x development branch.
This release is the basis for all upcoming versions of TV-Viewer. TV-Viewer now no longer supports different Videoplayers. There is a build in player now, based on MPlayer.
Enjoy the new version.

Posted by Christian Rapp 2009-03-04

Second alpha release of the 0.8.x development branch

Since there turned up several major bugs in the first alpha release, I decided to bring out second version very quick.
There are no new Features, but I recommend to upgrade to all users.


Posted by Christian Rapp 2009-02-01

First alpha release of 0.8.x development branch.

After 3 month of intensive code writing I'am proud to release the first alpha version of the 0.8.x development branch. Many many things have been changed.
If you encounter problems or you want to have a feature added contact me.

Posted by Christian Rapp 2009-01-30

New stable release 0.7.7

After a long beta period, with five beta versions, it is time for the next stable release.
Many things have been changed since Please note, the bugfixes and new features mentioned below refer to version and not to the last beta.


* Removed some mistakes and crudities in the text passages.
* The scheduler produced an error if the video device node was already in use and did not try again to finish the job.
* Minor things in the source code.... read more

Posted by Christian Rapp 2008-11-28

TV-Viewer 0.7.7b2

Today I'am releasing a bugfix release for the formerly announced 0.7.7b1.

Please report any issues!

Posted by Christian Rapp 2008-10-29

Version released

Here it is. The probably last version of the 0.7.x development branch. Nevertheless there will be one more version (probably beta), which allows the use of frequencies instead channels. This is because some users asked for it and with this feature you may be ablte to finetune your stations.
But now to the new version. There are no big changes this time.


* After an automatic station search the tv-card gets muted. Fixed.
* Smaller things in the source code.... read more

Posted by Christian Rapp 2008-10-14