
Tunp! v1.04 : Ready to release!!!

Hi guys!

Here it is, finally! This one is a lot more dev'er friendly, since many things are made in an easier way (ex decide pointers to (...) instead of a call with params (...) ) , so map dev'ing is even easier! I'm gonna pack it with the first level from smb1 , and the graphics will be the v1.03 blocks with the mario from the GFX pack Zeked released a short while ago... Here's what's new :

  • (all that was in my last news are still there, intact)
  • Even more dev'er friendly! Loads of "hard things" are now made out much more easily!
  • There is now scrolling! =:0)
  • Scrolling is using a Z-Buffer! =:0D
  • The collision detection engine does not need manual entry anymore! It figures out the "5 points" itself, using the size of the bitmap.

That's what it's going to be when it will be released, all I gotta do now is to make the Z-Buffer (easy) and I'll ship it to SF! =:0)

  • ViNcE989
Posted by Vince989 2002-02-12

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