
#1102 NEUSCHWABENLAND Multiple Factories

v1.0 (example)

The NEUSCHWABENLAND maps have the:

Each non original Factory can Produce 5 Units Multiple Factories in a Territory are Possible

info in notes.

But it doesn't work. IDK if it would be better to just remove this false info from note or to make it work; but the multiple factory stacking is currently not possible in a direct and clean way.

I suggest to just remove that info from Notes; people seem fine with the regular production per territory, AFAIK (not an opinion myself, cause I don't play this map) (in this case, maybe better to reduce to 1 the factory in the capital).

I can do the changes and upload it, if told how the bug would better be solved (removing the info from notes altogether OR make the 5 placement work and remove the stack info OR keep the full info and allow infinite placement, leaving the players autolimit themselves, adding the info that the rule is not enforced by the engine).


  • Chris Duncan

    Chris Duncan - 2015-03-16

    In the game xml, what placement delegate is used?

    • Cernel

      Cernel - 2015-03-18

      Apparently, it is:

      <delegate name="place" javaClass="games.strategy.twoIfBySea.delegate.PlaceDelegate" display="Place Units"/>

      What twoIfBySea is? Now I'm curious.

      Are there other delegates, aside from the regular PlaceDelegate and the placeNoAirCheck and the BidPlaceDelegate?

      Is this some old, not anymore supported, thing? Or has it always been just some merely supported pointless thing? Did this map work by rules in a previous version of TA?

      By the way, I made some questioning around, with players, and, apparently:

      1) The game is always played with the normal placement, limited to production value (thus, just ignoring that info in notes).
      2) Most players think that being able to place 3 units on those prod 3 territories is fine.
      3) Only 1 player, so far, would want to see the actual rules of 5, 10, 15... place with 1, 2, 3... factories implemented; or, at least, the place 5 in all territories, except capitals, at 15.

      If, as I think, having the 5xN production with N factories in the territory is just not currently possible (in a clean way), and you think it is better to implement the 5 unit production anyway, I will add {option name="unitProduction" value="5"/} to each territory and {option name="unitProduction" value="15"/} to the capitals (not necessary, because capitals are 15 production, but I tink it is better for consistency),
      and leaving the 3 factories in capitals, just for flavour.

      In any case, the "Each non original Factory" should be changed to "Each Factory"; cause it makes no sense to refer to some original factory rule, which is only v1 stuff.

      Personally, since this is a very basic (and very abandoned) map, I would just remove that false info from note, reduce to 1 the factory in the capital, and leave anything else as it is now.

      SIEG can do whatever stuff himself, if he wants to.


      Last edit: Cernel 2015-03-18
    • Cernel

      Cernel - 2015-08-31

      Classic: Four If By Sea has exactly the same issue.

      Unless there are any plans to reintegrate such placement rules (allowing cumulative placement with multiple factories) in the engine, please just tell me what you think it is the best solution, or give me unlimited permission to change Classic: Four If By Sea and all NEUSCHWABENLAND maps as I wish, and I will upload the new version for the ones in the repository to be updated.


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