
#8 Way to choose which timer will be used

Fax (1)

On some hardware configuration, the fax can not be
sent. Typically, the call will begin with the dialing, but
very soon it will be cancelled. The error is
8074: "Remote fax did not answer".

The intereting point is that on all machines on which this
occurs, the trace file will show time stamps with
negative value. I have seen this myself on in many
APRO messages on Tamarak.

The solution I have read somewhere and that is working
for me also, is to force APRO to use it's own timer (or
the window's one, this is not very clear to me, but at
least not the modem or sound card timers). The way to
do this is to keep the QPFreq to 0 in unit ooMisc.pas,
simply by commenting out the two following lines at the
end of the initialization section of the file:

//QPFreq := QPCCast(Freq).LowPart div 1000;
//if (QPCCast(Freq).LowPart mod 1000) > 500 then Inc

There should be a way for the calling program to choose
which timer will be used by APRO.


  • Mike Welch

    Mike Welch - 2003-05-16

    Logged In: YES

    Good option. However (and you knew this was coming<g>),
    in the research that I've done, invalid timer entries in the disp
    log are almost invariably cured with updated audio drivers.
    Saw this a lot when W2K was first released, the
    default/preinstalled audio drivers were NT4 drivers with loose
    WMI(?) wrappers. Of course, there was a blatant bug in our
    timer stuff, but I think that was fixed in 4.01 or .02.

    Mike Welch

  • Marc Deroover

    Marc Deroover - 2003-05-28

    Logged In: YES

    Well, the need for such a flag is real, because you can not
    always force your clients to upgrade their drivers.

    But in fact, the flag already exists: simply put
    QPFreq := 0;
    after that the unit ooMisc has been initialized.


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