
Toshiba-Laptop Extra-Keys Tools / News: Recent posts

tohskeyd 0.1.2 released!

This is a first release of the server daemon.
It should be working, althoug it isn't perfect (see my Tracker).

In the basic configuration you should be able to change the brightness of your LCD an most new Toshiba Laptops without tweaking (I'm using a Satellite 2410).

Be sure to carefully read the README to install the daemon!
If you took all obstacles in installing the daemon, try out the cool xmms plugin and see our keys working!!!... read more

Posted by Manuel Borchers 2003-06-26

xmms-toshkey 0.1.0 released!

Great news: I finished the xmms plugin!!
Everything should be working now, even the configuration is done with a GUI!

So, just start downloading and try it out!
I will be releasing a toshkeyd as soon as possible, to get your keys working!


Posted by Manuel Borchers 2003-06-26

xmms-toshkey started

I've started writing a plugin for xmms. It integrates nicely into the General-Plugin dialog of xmms.
At the moment there are no config dialogs and the key-parser isn't written yet. After that is done, I'll upload the plugin to CVS.
I'll then also release packages of the server and the plugin to get some user-feedback.


Posted by Manuel Borchers 2003-06-25

Completed Protocol for TCP-Connections

Checked in changes to have a working protocol for TCP-connections. No document describing it yet, but will follow soon.
With this change a can start the client daemon soon.

So, stay tuned!

Posted by Manuel Borchers 2003-05-10

First version in CVS!

For all the curious people out there:

I've just uploaded the initial version to CVS. You can download it as descibed on the pages.
Module name is "toshkeyd".

Be sure to read the README file carefully to get the thing up and running!


Posted by Manuel Borchers 2003-05-02

Started this Porject on!

Today the approved my request for this project!
I decided to start to develop this set of tools in the public to get as much user-feedback as possible.

Actually there are no files, but I will post them the next days, when I wrote the README.

Please also take a look at the Tasks to get an imperssion of what is currently not working ;-)

Posted by Manuel Borchers 2003-04-28