
Tonic / News: Recent posts

Moving to Kenai

I decided to move issue tracking, forum and wiki to You can reach those starting at I will continue to use Sourceforge fine download services.

Posted by warjan 2009-02-14

Trying hard.

As you can see I am back to Tonic. I don't have a lot of time, but I will try hard to make some nice changes to it. I've moved code to Subversion repository and touched Tracker a few times and added wiki section for storing and publishing ideas about new and old features.

I hope I'll continue making progress on Tonic and release new version quite soon.

Posted by warjan 2008-02-14

Continued development

I continue adding new feature and fixing bugs I found. I wish there were more bugs submitted by users. CVS version has some support for Bughouse/Crazyhouse - it is possible to examine, observe and play (but without gui for dropping pieces on the board - do it in console if you want). Next release with gui for dropping pieces in Bughouse games.

Posted by warjan 2006-09-26

Sources commits and new release

While I am writing this news new release files are being uploaded to server. Bridge3 is out. I will continue on commiting the sources to cvs.

Posted by warjan 2006-07-20

Source code is in repository

Today I imported the Tonic's source code in cvs repository. It is code of bridge2 release with small modifications. Instructions for getting source are in CVS section. Enjoy!

Posted by warjan 2006-07-12

Tonic Bridge2 released

I released Tonic Bridge2. I thought this time Channels Manager would work, but it still lacks in usability - user with very many channels will see only part of corresponding tabs. There is a workaround - read on

Posted by warjan 2006-07-02

First prerelease

This is a first public release of Tonic. It is tested on Linux with Java 1.5.0. File is for Linux and for Windows and MacOS X users. Feature requests, help questions and bug submissions are always welcomed.

Posted by warjan 2006-06-24

Tonic project created

For now there are no content at this site, but stay tuned - screenshots and source code are comming.

Posted by warjan 2006-06-12