
toMOTko / News: Recent posts

2 new glossaries for toMOTko.

Someone asked me to convert 2 glossaries in English and Portuguese found on the XDXF - XML website ( I have added the glossary in the web site. The glossaries are named: Comn_sdict05 and Comn_sdict_axm05.

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2012-01-13

Migration from Subversion to Git.

I have imported the source code into a Git repository hosted on GitHub ( It's been a while that I have been tempted to try Git so the time has come to give it a try. I believe that's the right thing to do. Hopefully, I won't be wrong.

I keep the subversion repository for history's sake.

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2010-05-25

New glossary for toMOTko.

I have received a new glossary useful to learn the Norwegian language. It contains nouns taken from the beginners book På Vei. I have added the glossary in the web site. Thanks to NTMH for his contribution.

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2010-03-17

toMOTko's blog!

I started a blog about toMOTko. The idea is to write about development and events related to the project. Comments are welcome.

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2009-10-23

toMOTko ported to Maemo (diablo).

ToMOTko is now available in the extras-devel repository of Maemo (diablo). It has been reported to work well on Nokia's Internet tablet (like N800 and N810).

If anyone could submit screenshots, that would be appreciated.

The application should be promoted to extras repository in near future.

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2009-08-18

New glossaries for toMOTko.

2 new glossaries have been added in the Glossary section.

- Historia del Rey Transparente (French/Spanish)
- Szenen 1 (French/German)

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2009-07-23

toMOTko ported to MacOS.

The title says it all. I built the application with the -universal
switch so in theory, it should work on both Intel and
PowerPC processors.

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2009-05-23

toMOTko ported to Windows Mobile 6 Professional.

You can now use toMOTko on your mobile phone! Or at least, mobile phones that run Windows Mobile 6 Professional.

As I don't have a device running this operating system, it's rather unconvenient to develop and test the application. Because of that, there is no installer provided. You have to install the application manually. Read the release notes for details.

Feedback is wanted. I would like to receive some screenshots. I would like to know if all the features work. Is the character size large enough? etc.

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2009-05-04

toMOTko 0.11.2 released.

toMOTko has been ported to Linux. And thanks to Christian Varga, it's also been translated in German.

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2009-03-01

toMOTko ported to Windows.

At last, you can use toMOTko on Windows!

Actually, toMOTko has been ported to QT4. So this will allow to port the application to Linux and MacOSX easily.

For new users, read the Getting Started Quickly section in the Help item of the ? menu.

Constructive feedback is welcome.

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2008-12-16

toMOTko: 0.11.1 released.

toMOTko is a small Zaurus application for learning vocabulary. It's a customizable flashcard program that asks words repetitively to acquire new vocabulary. Good for learning and memorizing japanese kanji readings/writings and other languages as well.

2 important bugs have been fixed in this release. They could cause the application to crash. See release notes for more information.

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2008-11-14

New glossaries for toMOTko.

3 new glossaries have been added in the Glossary section for those who are studying Japanese.

- Japanese for Busy People I & II
- Japanese Now!
- Japanese for College Students : Basic

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2008-09-11

toMOTko 0.11.0 released.

At last, a basic Search Tool has been implemented
so that users can use toMOTko as a rudimentary
dictionary substitute.

Other small features and bug fixes have been

Check Release notes for important information
before installation.

- Reimplemented revealing sequence tool.
- Added Search tool.
- Added preferences option to show alt value in
list of terms.
- Save preferences and marked items in compressed
- Dropped support for legacy data format.

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2008-08-26

toMOTko 0.10.0 released.

Two main features :

- Image support
- Multi-folder operations support (copy, cut, paste, import, export)

The data format has changed significantly. Upgrade is recommended.

For more details, look the release note.

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2008-07-06

toMOTko 0.9.2 released.

This is a maintenance release containing 2 small bug fixes. If you're already using version 0.9.1, it's probably not worth upgrading.

- Fixed copy-cut-paste bug reported by Kurochka.
- Fixed bug #1872216 : Added test before copying previous data in preinst script.

For more details about 0.9.x release, look previous news item.

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2008-03-16

New glossaries for toMOTko

1 archive file containing glossaries from Harrap's method for learning German has been added. It contains words taken from lessons 1 to 9.

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2008-01-27

toMOTko 0.9.1 released.

Fixed a cut & paste bug reported by Kurochka that was crashing the application.

For more details about 0.9.x release, look previous news item.

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2007-12-22

toMOTko 0.9.0 released.

A lot of work into this new release.

First, I introduced a dependency to zlib library.
This was needed to save vocabulary data in compressed
binary. It makes the application faster (less time to
load/save data) and may save a significant amount of disk
space. The zlib library will also be useful for future
additions (import/export folder and image/sound support).
You can find the ipk file in the "download files" section
of the project page in the dependencies package.... read more

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2007-12-20

toMOTko 0.8.0 released and 2 new glossaries available.

This release contains some minor improvements and bug fixes.

Here is the change log :

- Added missing digraphs.
- Fixed comment update bug in the quiz.
- Fixed multiple terms deletion.
- Improved FileDialog for import/export feature.
- Improved menus' look with icons.
- Added keyboard accelerators.
- Show word count in congratulation message.

Also, 2 new glossaries have been added to the website :... read more

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2007-10-17

New glossaries for toMOTko and website in Spanish.

Three new glossaries have been added for Thai languages :

- Numbers;
- Time;
- Everyday Phrases.

Thanks to Koan for his contribution.

Also, I translated most of the website in Spanish.
There are probably a few mistakes as Spanish is
not my mother tongue but it should be readable
(or so I hope).

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2007-10-08

toMOTko 0.7.0 released.

This is an early release to fix a a few annoying bugs and improve slightly the import/export functionality.

Here is the change log :

- Fixed duplicate folder id bug.
- Improved layout update for QuizFrame when changing font.
- Added Language Selection dialog box for import/export.
- Shortened some strings in Spanish to make them fit in Portrait mode.
- Save the state of expanded/collapsed tree nodes in Glossary Manager.
- Display Undefined string in gray when a glossary contains no word in
a language shown in the list of terms in the Glossary Manager.
- Fixed lost selection bug when switching language or changing the state
of the filter.... read more

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2007-09-07

New glossaries for toMOTko.

Two new glossaries have been added:

- Reina del Sur: in French and Spanish, containing words seen while reading this suspense novel.
- Thai alphabet: in English and Thai, for helping to memorize/master the Thai alphabet.

This demonstrates the multilingual support of toMOTko. It's not perfect yet but it's usable.

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2007-08-24

toMOTko 0.6.0 released.

At last, toMOTko can speak and teach other languages! You can now use toMOTko not only to learn Japanese and English, but other languages like French, Spanish, German, and so on.

The interface of toMOTko also comes in 4 languages : English, French, Spanish, and Japanese.

I have included a built-in support for writing accents. It's implemented using digraphes (the idea is borrowed from the famous editor Vim). Only a few accents are supported at the moment.... read more

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2007-08-17

toMOTko 0.5.0 released.

I haven't completed the Cut/Copy/Paste feature yet but as I'm
aware that some of toMOTko's users need the "Preferred font"
feature, here is the latest release of toMOTko.

- Implemented (partially) Cut/Copy/Paste feature (works only for terms).
- Added font preferences.
- Implemented multiple words deletion.
- Optimized data saving when closing the application.
- Added buttons to check all terms of glossaryor inverse the selection.
- Improved application's icon.

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2007-06-18

New glossaries for toMOTko

3 new glossaries have been added into the glossary section. Thanks to Kurochka for her contribution.

Posted by Frederic Bergeron 2007-05-07